Saturday , September 21, 2024

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Results Show a More Robust Holiday Shopping Season Than Expected

With the 2009 holiday shopping season all but over except for some post-Christmas bargain hunting, several payments indicators show that merchant acquirers are processing more transactions than many observers expected when the season began nearly two months ago. Online shopping tracked by Chase Paymentech Solutions LLC, the nation's largest e-commerce …

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Seeing Opportunity, Moneta Will Add Credit Offers to Its Online Wallet

Alternative-payments processor Moneta Inc. announced this week it will start offering so-called transactional credit to its users at the end of the first quarter. The credit feature, which the Atlanta-based company is adding to an online wallet that currently relies on automated clearing house debits from users' checking accounts, could …

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VeriFone Battles Heartland Publicly While the Two Talk in Private

Payment card terminal maker VeriFone Holdings Inc. on Monday issued a press release trumpeting its victory in a courtroom skirmish with merchant acquirer Heartland Payment Systems Inc. What VeriFone didn't mention, however, was that it is in settlement talks with Heartland that could end their multifront legal war. That war, …

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Six Months Later, MasterCard Softens a Controversial PCI Rule

MasterCard Inc. is changing a controversial policy, and pushing back a deadline, that it announced only six months ago regarding enforcement of the Payment Card Industry data-security standard. With the changes, which involve assessing computer systems for PCI compliance, MasterCard could be viewed as responding to valid complaints after first …

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Settlements Still Leave Many Post-Breach Legal Woes for Heartland

With two settlements announced in less than a week, merchant acquirer Heartland Payment Systems Inc. is putting some of the legal repercussions of its huge data breach behind it as 2009 draws to a close. But most of the legal troubles Heartland faces in the wake of the breach it …

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Hypercom And Ex-Boss of TNS Lay Plans to Spark Growth for HBNet

Hypercom Corp. and the McDonnell Group are forming a joint venture to deliver high speed transaction transport services worldwide. The venture, which will acquire and operate Hypercom's 5-year-old HBNet transaction-transport service, will be called Phoenix Managed Networks LLC and will be headed by John (Jack) McDonnell, founder and former chief …

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Accel/Exchange Plans a Big Acquiring Push for Online PIN Debit

The Accel/Exchange electronic funds transfer network, which on Nov. 9 became the first EFT network to roll out online PIN debit to consumers, is pleased with results so far and has plans to begin a major recruitment drive to sign up merchant acquirers for the program next year, says Michael …

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Will Consumers’ Shift Away from Credit Cards Outlast the Recession?

Consumers have cut back their usage of credit cards in the past year, often on their own volition but also because suddenly risk-averse credit card issuers have closed millions of credit card accounts or reduced credit lines in their attempts to strengthen recession-racked balance sheets. Now the emerging question is …

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VeriFone Sees Promise in Mobile Apps And Taxi Transactions

VeriFone Holdings Inc. swung to a welcome $3.69 million profit in its fourth fiscal 2009 quarter and sees evidence of recovery in its global markets, but the leading U.S. point-of-sale terminal provider isn't expecting a rebound in its North American business for a while. “It's still kind of a shaky …

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After a Difficult Year, Lawlor Exits As CEO at Online Resources

Matthew P. Lawlor, the co-founder, chairman, and chief executive of Online Resources Corp., is retiring immediately as chief executive, the company announced early Tuesday. Lawlor will remain as chairman until Feb. 15 to assist with the transition, and then scale back to serving on the board of directors of the …

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Same-Day ACH Is ‘On Track,’ Says Fed, But Response Is Mixed

A plan by the Federal Reserve to speed up certain automated clearing house transactions so they will clear on the same day they are initiated is “attracting interest” from financial institutions that use the Fed to handle their ACH traffic, says Richard Oliver, an executive vice president at the Federal …

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Eye on Prepaid: Facebook, Western Union, And Green Dot

Prepaid card processors paired up with partners ranging from Facebook to Western Union to the MoneyPass surcharge-free ATM network in deals this week that expand the processors' distribution channels and transaction sources. In a cutting-edge deal that further opens up an Internet parallel to gift card giving, grocery chain Safeway …

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Upbeat News from First Data on Average Tickets, Same-Store Sales

Christmas cheer for merchants and transaction processors came a little early this week with the news that both transaction volumes and dollar sales from cards for at least one major processor are finally trending up, yielding a scant but welcome uptick in average tickets. Even more encouraging: the increases came …

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As Online Bill Pay Surges, WEB Closes Gap with E-Check Leader ARC

Paper-based bill payments continued their decline in the third quarter while Internet bill payments gained more ground, according to the latest automated clearing house data. The accounts receivable conversion (ARC) code for paper checks sent to billers' lockboxes and then converted into electronic checks had 583.8 million transactions in the …

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VeriFone Brings a Terminal Maker’s Savvy to Mobile Payments

With a number of processors and software houses having introduced applications over the past year to let merchants process cards on smart phones, many observers wondered how long it would be before the established point-of-sale terminal vendors entered this market. On Tuesday morning, the answer came with VeriFone Holdings Inc.'s …

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Early Results Are Inconclusive for NACHA’s New IAT Code

The first statistics about the new automated clearing house code for international transactions are in, though it's too soon to draw conclusions about how popular the so-called IAT code will become. According to NACHA, governing body of the ACH, IAT had 303,802 transactions in September with a total value of …

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C-Stores Prepare New Anti-Interchange Petition Drive

Retailers fighting what they say are high payment-card acceptance costs are not letting the heated debates about health care or President Obama's planned troop surge in Afghanistan push interchange off the political stage. The NACS?The Association for Convenience and Petroleum Retailing, next week will launch what it calls Phase 2 …

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Secure Vault Payments Wins High Adoption at University of Georgia

Secure Vault Payments, an online-payments program that lets consumers pay merchants from their checking accounts via the automated clearing house network, is catching on as a way to pay tuition and other costs at the University of Georgia, which began using the method in July in time for fall-semester tuition …

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Square Gets Points for Cleverness, But Leaves Questions Unanswered

If hype augurs success, the new Square payments application for mobile merchants is off to a promising start. The product, announced this week by a San Francisco startup called Square Inc., is attracting attention not just in the payments business but in the wider business community. That's because Square's founder …

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Peak Shopping Days Give Cause for Cautious Optimism on Payments

Electronic payments are showing signs of life as consumers open up their wallets and purses early in this holiday spending season. But just how wide they'll open those wallets and purses as the season goes on is uncertain. The early take is that volumes are up from 2008's anemic levels, …

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