Saturday , September 21, 2024

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Eye on M-Commerce: Apple’s App Store Traffic Hits 1.5 Billion Downloads

While experts debate when mobile commerce will hit its stride, Apple Inc. announced on Tuesday that its App Store, which it set up just one year ago, has downloaded more than 1.5 billion applications for the company's hugely popular iPhone handset. The App Store had just hit the 1 billion …

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Online Bill Pay Gains 1.3 Million Households in ‘Generational Change’

More than 2 million new households logged into online banking over the past year, bringing the online-banking share of the nation's households with Internet access to 79%. That's one of the key findings from the 2009 Consumer Billing and Payment Trends survey from bank processor and bill-pay technology provider Fiserv …

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Security Experts Start to Look at Data Encryption for Smart Phones

As the momentum behind mobile payments gathers strength, some technology experts are starting to consider so-called smart phones?which make mobile payments easy?to be devices in need of encryption. That's one finding in an annual study out Monday about encryption, a hot topic in the payment card industry nowadays because of …

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An Information Gap Sparks a Dust-Up over Remote Key Injection

Is MasterCard Inc. putting the kibosh on a new technology called remote key injection that makes it easier to enhance the security of point-of-sale payment terminals? That's the impression some payments executives got after reading an online Computerworld article Wednesday that said MasterCard was insisting on manual injection of security …

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How Verient Combines Security And Customization in Cards

Verient Inc. is the startup behind SafeDebit, NYCE Payments Network LLC's effort to allow consumers to use their NYCE cards on the Internet (Digital Transactions News, July 2), but the company's ambitions go well beyond enabling debit-based e-commerce. By the end of the year, it expects to have between 3,000 …

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PayPal Denies Adaptive Payments API Is a Ploy to ‘Crush’ Amazon FPS

PayPal Inc. is planning to launch a flexible-payments application programming interface that will allow merchants and others to build their own payment systems, but the company denies that the Adaptive Payments API is a response to Inc.'s Flexible Payments Service, which has been available as a commercial product for …

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A 7-Eleven Anti-Interchange Petition ‘Touches a Nerve’

7-Eleven Inc. has gathered between 1 million and 1.2 million signatures on in-store petitions asking Congress to regulate interchange rates, and expects to have 3 million customer signatures by the time the petition drive ends Aug. 10, according to an executive with the Dallas-based convenience-store chain. The response, says Keith …

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MPX, Payments Central Merge in Latest ACH Consolidation Move

The slow but steady pace of consolidation of regional automated clearing house associations continued this week when Kansas City, Mo.-based Mid-America Payment Exchange (MPX) merged with Columbus, Ohio-based Payments Central. The new entity, dubbed Epcor, serves more than 2,300 financial institutions in all or parts of 12 states stretching from …

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Canadian Legislative Report Echoes U.S. Card-Pricing Proposals

A sweeping new report from a Canadian Senate committee recommends the federal government create a payment-system oversight board, ban percentage-based debit card interchange for three years, and permit merchants to surcharge for card transactions. Those are just some of the proposals in the report as Canada confronts many of the …

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NYCE Looks to 2010 for SafeDebit Rollout, Pilot Later This Year

NYCE Payments Network LLC expects to start testing Internet-based debit transactions by the end of the year and to start a commercial service some time next year, says Steven A. Rathgaber, president and chief operating officer of the Secaucus, N.J.-based electronic funds transfer network. The service will rely on single-use …

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MasterCard Puts the 13-Year-Old Wal-Mart Case in the Rear-View Mirror

MasterCard Inc. plans to pay off its remaining $400 million settlement obligation to retailers over debit card acceptance early for a discounted $335 million, according to a filing the card network made on Thursday with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Attorneys for the retailer plaintiffs have signed on to the …

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Travel Agents Prepare to Fight United on New Card-Acceptance Policy

A move by United Air Lines Inc. to shift to certain travel agents the costs and other responsibilities for ticket sales on credit cards has the industry in an uproar and has prompted a leading trade association to file a letter with the U.S. Department of Justice asking the agency …

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Yankee Group: NFC Transactions Will Soar into the Millions Next Year

Despite tests and innumerable press releases, the number of payment transactions from cell phones barely registers. But payments from mobile devices are about to take off thanks to a convergence of factors on the demand and supply side, according to a new report from Yankee Group Research Inc. The “Dialing …

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Price Tag for End-to-End Encryption: $4.8 Billion, Mercator Says

Demand is booming for better payment card security as a result of the many data breaches of recent years, and the solution being touted more than any other is “end-to-end encryption.” But a new report from Mercator Advisory Group Inc. asserts that the term is imprecise and implementing the technology …

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Acquiring Deal with BofA Lets First Data Renew Its Alliance Model

Bank of America Corp. and processor First Data Corp. launched a merchant-acquiring joint venture Monday, a move that marks the third major change in BofA's acquiring business in five years. First Data will own 48.5% of the new Atlanta-based Banc of America Merchant Services LLC. BofA will own 46.5%, and …

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Bling Nation’s Community Payment Platform Goes Live in Colorado

Bling Nation Ltd., which late last year unveiled a private-label payment network intended for local transactions (Digital Transactions News, Nov. 19, 2008), this week announced it has signed up its first financial institution and has been processing transactions for it in Colorado. The State Bank, La Junta, went live on …

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One to Many: Visa Gets a Single Connection to Multiple Carriers

Visa Inc. has a struck an agreement with NeuStar Inc., a key player in the wireless telecommunications industry, that could enable financial institutions to develop more payment services for mobile devices. Created in 1998, Sterling, Va.-based NeuStar plays a unique role in the phone business. It acts as a neutral …

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AllTrust Looks to Newly Minted Patent for Remote Capture Growth

So-called third-party checks represent a potentially lucrative niche market for remote deposit capture, and now a biometric-authentication vendor has been granted a patent for a process by which such checks can be authorized and imaged for deposit under Check 21 rules. AllTrust Networks, which announced the patent last week, now …

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Beyond Stickers: Contactless ‘Skins’ for Payments with Handsets

The trend toward using adhesive tags to give mobile phones contactless-payment capability is going one step farther?now at least one startup is marketing a small sheet of vinyl that wraps around the entire mobile device and contains a contactless chip-and-antenna inlay. Mobile Payment Skins LLC launched last week to offer …

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CashEdge Unveils a P2P Service To Be Controlled by Banks

The person-to-person payment business, which has attracted a number of new players already this year, grew more crowded on Tuesday with the announcement by CashEdge Inc. that it will launch a service later this year. Executives with New York City-based CashEdge, which specializes in supporting online account opening and account-to-account …

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Digital Transactions