Saturday , September 21, 2024

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Processors Jockey for Position in Fast-Growing Digital-Content Market

While most attention in e-commerce is focused on enabling payments for Web sites run by major chains, airlines, and other hard-goods merchants and sellers of high-end services, some processors have begun to carve out stakes in a corner of online commerce that doesn't get as much notice?digital goods. This week, …

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An AmEx-Delta Cobrand Deal Carries Acquiring, Debit Implications

An extended cobranded credit card pact between Delta Air Lines Inc. and American Express Co., announced on Tuesday, also has merchant-acquiring and debit card implications, and it provides further evidence of how airlines in a weak economy can raise cash from their issuing and acquiring partners. AmEx, issuer of Atlanta-based …

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With NFC Stalled, Mobile Payments Will Follow Other Paths, Report Says

While experts once thought contactless payments via a technology called near-field communication (NFC) would drive mobile payments, the sluggish development of NFC now means handset-based payments will grow without the technology, according to a research report released on Tuesday. Indeed, payments by text messages, through the mobile Web, and on …

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Fraudsters Moving on from Stored Data to Thefts of Data in Transit

Merchants are getting the message that they should not store credit and debit card data, but that's turning into yesterday's issue, according to Chicago-based Trustwave, one of the big card-industry security consultancies. In a report released on Monday, Trustwave says that computer hackers may still be able to steal card …

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How a Security Mandate Could Force Software Vendors out of Payments

The steady march toward more secure payment-processing software is likely to force many?possibly thousands?of small software vendors out of the market of serving merchants and card processors. These vendors will find it too expensive to upgrade their existing point-of-sale and related applications to meet specifications set forth in the new …

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Credit Unions Expected to Lead the Charge into Consumer Capture

As many as one-third of U.S. financial institutions could within the next two years adopt a technology that allows customers at home to convert paper checks into imaged deposits that can be transmitted to the bank via online-banking links. The strongest interest in this so-called consumer-capture capability is likely to …

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Eyeing Debit, Visa Posts Its Canadian Interchange Rates on the Web

In another sign of sweeping changes in the Canadian payment card market, Visa Inc.'s Visa Canada unit last week published interchange rates on its Web site for the first time. The posting comes at a time when merchants are complaining about higher rewards-card acceptance costs and expressing fears that possible …

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Why NYCE Plans To Test Two Online PIN Debit Systems in Parallel

The NYCE electronic funds transfer network, which last month said it will pilot PINless purchase transactions online, has become the second EFT system to agree to test Web-based debit card transactions secured by PINs. While Steven A. Rathgaber, president and chief operating officer at Secaucus, N.J.-based NYCE, says many of …

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A New LML Patent Could Bring It a Bonanza in E-Check Fees

A Canadian transaction processor has begun enforcing a recently reissued U.S patent whose long list of claims could potentially allow it to control several of the most popular electronic-check applications on the automated clearing house network. Indeed, if LML Payment Systems Inc. succeeds with an infringement suit it brought last …

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Mobile Banking Appeals More to Small Businesses Than to Consumers

The torrent of press releases promoting this new mobile-banking technology or that new mobile-banking service usually references, either implicitly or explicitly, the consumer as the end user. But small businesses represent a far more receptive user group for mobile-banking services, including bill payments, according to a new report from Boston-based …

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Deal with TRM Unit Gives Select-A-Branch Access to National Market

Select-A-Branch ATM Network LLC, the startup that offers electronic multibank branding on its ATMs, is about to bust out of the Northeast thanks to a new pact with TRM Corp.'s Access To Money network. The exclusive distribution agreement-in-principle deal would give Select-A-Branch potential access to about 3,000 ATMs in convenience …

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Banks Make Strides in Fighting ID Fraud, But Lag in Mobile Alerts

Financial institutions have made big strides in fighting identity fraud over the past year but still lag in preventing the crime by using such technologies as mobile alerts, according to a report released this week by Javelin Strategy & Research. “Despite so many consumers having mobile devices, banks are still …

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Mobile Banking Moves to the Point of Sale with Consumer Incentives

As mobile banking spreads to more banks, the companies that enable the service are getting ready to bring it to the merchant point of sale, along with a bevy of incentives to induce consumers to buy. The move, say some, stems from the recognition that if banks simply enroll online-banking …

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Burden of Final UIGEA Rule May Not Be As Heavy As Some Expected

For a financial-services industry in the throes of economic upheaval, the final rule for implementing the controversial Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006 (UIGEA)?issued on Nov. 12 by the U.S. Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve?represents another set of requirements with which to struggle. But for many banks and …

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Slowing ISO Orders Clip Revenues for Terminal Kingpin VeriFone

Signs are pointing to fewer merchant-account bookings by independent sales organizations, and that's translating into fewer orders for VeriFone Holdings Inc., the largest U.S.-based point-of-sale terminal developer. Last week, VeriFone reduced its revenue projections for its fourth quarter ended Oct. 31 and fiscal 2008. In a conference call late last …

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How the Coming of Duality Could Simplify Canadian Acquiring

The Canadian governmental body responsible for regulating competition told banks last week it now has no problem with financial institutions issuing both Visa- and MasterCard-branded cards or acquiring transactions on either bank card network, a radical change from present policy. The decision will likely spur not only fundamental changes on …

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PayPal’s Chief Proposes Direct Links Between Banks And PayPal

Often viewed by retail banking officials as public enemy No. 1, PayPal Inc. sent its top executive to a major banking-technology exhibition on Thursday to propose closer collaboration between banks and the San Jose, Calif.-based non-bank e-commerce payments processor. Indeed, PayPal president Scott Thompson suggested banks and PayPal create direct …

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Bling Nation Harnesses Contactless for an On-Us Payments Network

A startup company called Bling Nation Ltd., which debuted this week, plans to combine contactless-payment technology with an on-us approach to debit transactions that it says will cut transaction costs for both community banks and merchants. The Palo Alto, Calif.-based processor is in discussions with five financial institutions and plans …

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U.S. Bank Hikes Contactless Adoption with Targeted Issuance

Nearly one-third of U.S. Bank customers who have been issued a contactless debit card have performed at least one contactless transaction since the bank's program began in June, an executive with the bank said on Wednesday. “So far, it's looking really promising,” Michael Shepard, group product manager for consumer credit …

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Heartland Gets Into the Loyalty Business with Its Chockstone Deal

In buying Chockstone Inc., a provider of gift card and loyalty services and technology for merchants, Heartland Payment Systems Inc. essentially is making a bet that merchants with loyal customers make more loyal clients for merchant acquirers. “That certainly is part of the thought process,” Heartland president and chief financial …

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Digital Transactions