Real-time processing heightens risk for providers that aren’t prepared. Here’s what financial institutions should be doing now, says Eric Woodward. Instant downloads. Instant delivery. We live in an age of instant gratification. The banking industry is no exception. An overnight batch process is a lifetime, and three-day settlement feels like …
Blog Archives
June, 2018
1 June
It’s Zero Hour for GDPR
Now that the massive regulation is in force, there’s no time to waste on getting compliant, says Greg Sparrow. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has raised a number of questions for U.S. businesses since its inception on April 27, 2016. After the bill was passed, it was allotted a …
May, 2018
1 May
How Machine Learning Can Deliver Faster—And More Secure—Payments
With consumer expectations higher than ever, analytic tools that can meet those demands while weeding out fraud are more important than ever, says Luke Reynolds. A recent survey conducted by Juniper Research predicted the overall value of fraudulent online transactions globally will reach $25.6 billion by 2020. Of that activity, …
April, 2018
2 April
Why Contactless Could Soon Leave the Station
City transit systems provide the ideal scenario for contactless payments to take root with U.S. consumers, says Paul Kobos. If you live in a major metro area, you’re probably intimately familiar with the never-ending pains of public transportation. Whether it’s subways, light rail, buses, or ferries, customer service can be …
February, 2018
28 February
Has Trump Tamed the CFPB?
Acting director Mick Mulvaney is off to a promising start, but ensuring that the sprawling agency will always hew to the rule of law remains a challenge, says Eric Grover. At Davos in January, President Trump lambasted “unelected bureaucrats” who were imposing “crushing and anti-business and anti-worker regulations on our …
1 February
Why We’re Offering Cryptocurrency Solutions to Merchants
Solutions are coming for slow speeds and high fees, says Eric Brown, who argues that even now the advantages for merchants are too good to pass up. Unless you spent last year living under a rock, you know that cryptocurrency is a sizzling-hot topic right now. Bitcoin’s price and daily …
January, 2018
2 January
Why PIN on Glass Is the Next Big Thing
The key to higher acceptance rates for cards, lower fees for merchants, and better security lies in moving the point of sale from hardware to software, says Sam Shawki. There is no doubt that the continued progress in moving to digital forms of transactions has made a big impact on …
December, 2017
1 December
What Will the Future of Payments Look Like?
As long as consumers have good reason to believe that they will have their privacy infringed, it will be impossible for politicians to introduce a cashless society. It doesn’t take a crystal ball to know that in the coming years, digital transformation will continue to make shopping more convenient. And …
October, 2017
31 October
M&A in Payments: Good or Bad?
The current wave of buying and selling is the right prescription at the right time for a business that badly needed shaking up, says O.B. Rawls. For decades, the payments industry was pretty stagnant, but over the past decade, and even more so recently, that has changed drastically. Now part …
1 October
How the Wal-Mart/Google Partnership Against Amazon Affects Payments
There are plenty of opportunities for payments providers—if they play the game right, say Rick Oglesby and Brad Margol. Major retailers fear business disruption from Apple Inc., Facebook Inc., and Google/Alphabet, but they are already locked in head-to-head competition with Inc., and Amazon is clearly winning. It has climbed …