Wednesday , September 18, 2024

Digital Transactions News staff

Microsoft’s Payments Gambit Baffles Some, But Others See Hidden Potential

Microsoft Corp. may bring impressive technical chops as it enters the mobile-payments race, but if ever there were a David up against Goliaths, it’s now the Redmond, Wash.-based computing giant. News broke last week that Microsoft has used a company called Microsoft Payments Inc. to apply for money-transmission licenses with …

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Eye on Prepaid: Fees Vary Widely, and Millennials More Apt To Favor Prepaid Cards

Prepaid cards may find favor among younger consumers, one survey finds, while another reports prepaid card programs sport a wide range of fees. Also, armored-car company Brink’s has jumped into the prepaid card mix. Fees on 31 prepaid card programs surveyed by are scattershot, with the types and amounts …

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The PCI Council Publishes Tokenization Guidance and Looks Forward to EMV

By Jim Daly With the U.S. payment card industry’s eyes glued on the coming of EMV chip cards, the main standards body for card security is trying to remind merchant acquirers, merchants, and card issuers that there is more to security than simply embedding a chip into a piece of …

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Heartland Payment Systems’ CEO Blasts Indiana Religious-Freedom Law

By Jim Daly Merchant processor Heartland Payment Systems Inc.’s outspoken chief executive Bob Carr weighed in Friday with a statement on Indiana’s controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Carr says the law could relegate some people to “second-class status” and is an “invitation to discriminate.” “It is deeply troubling that the …

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Eye on Acquiring: EMV Chip Card Acceptance on the Mind

As Transact 15, the Electronic Transactions Association’s annual conference held this year in San Francisco gets under way, acquiring industry vendors and companies are releasing a bevy of news. Among the vendors making announcements is Clearent LLC, a payment-services company based in Clayton, Mo. Clearent says it will resell CardFlight …

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Consumers Want to Use Apple Pay, But Find Merchant Acceptance Lacking: Survey

  It’s a familiar refrain in payments: For consumers to use a payment method there has to be places to use it. Apple Pay, it seems even with all of the hoopla surrounding it, is no different. That’s what a recent report from Phoenix Marketing International, a Rhineback, N.Y.-based firm, …

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PayPal Will Include NFC Capability in the Coming Version of Its Mobile Wallet

After long belittling near-field communication technology by joking that its acronym, NFC, stands for “Not for Commerce,” PayPal Inc. before the end of the year will launch a new version of its mobile wallet featuring the technology. PayPal, which has been working with NFC in Australia, will replace its current …

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Eye on Mobile: Mobile Devices Becoming More of a Retailer Ally in Authenticating Online Consumers

  Smart phones may become a strong ally to fraud-plagued e-commerce merchants in helping to verify the location and identity of an online shopper. Online fraud is often committed by criminals who manipulate their computer’s location data and other attributes to make it appear they are who they say they …

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Acculynk’s Mobile Update Brings PIN Authentication to Online EMV Purchases

  Merchants looking for a way to secure e-commerce and mobile-commerce transactions made with credit and debit cards have a new option with the debut of an update to Acculynk Inc.’s PaySecure service. The Acculynk technology allows consumers to make PIN-based transactions on their PCs and mobile devices. The Atlanta-based …

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Digital Transactions