Thursday , September 19, 2024

Jim Daly

Jim Daly joined Digital Transactions in 2006 after covering payments and merchant acquiring at Thomson Media’s Credit Card Management, Credit Card News, and CardLine publications. Before that, he was a reporter and editor at the daily Leader-Telegram in Eau Claire, Wis.

Chargebacks May Spur Small-Business Holdouts To Get EMV Terminals

  Nothing like an unexpected chargeback to turn a recalcitrant merchant into an EMV believer. According to new survey results from Javelin Strategy and Research, only 8% of small and so-called micro businesses queried in February who didn’t accept EMV chip cards cited as a reason the lack of a …

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MasterCard’s Possible VocaLink Buy Could Shake Up the U.S. Faster-Payments Scene

MasterCard Inc. reportedly wants to acquire VocaLink Ltd., operator of the United Kingdom’s Faster Payments system, for just under £1 billion ($1.4 billion), according to reports in the British media Thursday. Such a deal, if consummated, could shake up the budding faster-payments movement in the U.S., where VocaLink is building …

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Discount Grocer Aldi Reverses Course and Now Accepts Credit Cards

The prominent, slightly self-effacing graphic on discount grocery-store chain Aldi Inc.’s home page says it all: “OMG! We FINALLY Accept Credit Cards!” Indeed, Batavia, Ill.-based Aldi is believed to be the last major grocery holdout in accepting general purpose credit cards, which typically cost merchants more to accept than the …

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Acquirers Report Varying Levels of Chargebacks in the New EMV Environment

Merchant acquirers are reporting more chargebacks now that the U.S. conversion to the EMV chip card standard is underway, but chargeback exposure varies widely by acquirer. And, so far at least, relatively few of the chargebacks are translating into actual financial losses. That’s the word from First Annapolis Consulting Inc., …

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Payment Card Manufacturer Sees Growing Interest in Dual-Interface Cards

The first chapter in the U.S. conversion to the EMV chip card standard is not even complete, but a leading payment card manufacturer sees growing interest in the next chapter, one that could be centered on so-called dual-interface cards that enable contact and contactless transactions. The vast majority of U.S. …

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With Its EMV Conversion Nearly Complete, Canada’s POS Debit Fraud Falls to New Low

Canada’s Interac Association PIN-based debit card network once again is reporting lower fraud losses as the country’s conversion to the EMV chip card standard nears completion. The Toronto-based network said Thursday that fraud losses from skimming, in which card data are stolen from the magnetic stripe, to financial institutions that …

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Green Dot Launches New Products, Aims To Be a ‘Fin-Tech Powered Branchless Bank’

Green Dot Corp. announced a number of a new products Wednesday and said it was getting into lending in order to generate new revenues and expand beyond its prepaid card base. Under pressure from a large investor to boost its bottom line and flagging stock price, Pasadena, Calif.-based Green Dot reported …

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Tennessee Fee-Disclosure Law Forces Non-Bank Processors To Pull Out the Calculators

A new Tennessee law governing merchants’ payment card contracts could create headaches for non-bank entities such as independent sales organizations and payment facilitators, merchant-acquiring industry sources say. The law will require processors on a monthly basis to list all fees assessed since the last statement. That’s certainly not unusual in …

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The PCI Council Plans an Early Release of Its Updated Data-Security Standard

The PCI Securities Standards Council said Wednesday that the next iteration of the Payment Card Industry data-security standard will be coming in the first half of this year, probably in March or April, about six months earlier than called for in the current update cycle. The new version, dubbed PCI …

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Security Questions Arise as Biometrics Gain Ground in Authentication

With biometric authentication now enabled in millions of smart phones and the focus of intense technological development, some payments experts are warning that biometric data can, just like old-fashioned passwords, be stolen, potentially leading to big problems for consumers and payment-service providers. “Biometrics are sure to proliferate in the next …

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Digital Transactions