Wednesday , September 18, 2024

Competitive Strategies

A Processing Exec Outlines Practical Steps to Save on Interchange

Merchants upset about interchange pricing may or may not ultimately prevail in their pending litigation against the bank card networks, but any outcome is likely to be years away. For now, there are practical steps retailers and service providers can take to cut acceptance costs, an executive with a major …

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SVPCO Reports Another Month of Steady Build in Image Volume

The promise of Check 21 may be unfolding more slowly than enthusiasts would like, but the country's largest image-exchange network recorded another gain in volume in January. New York-based SVPCO, part of the The Clearing House Payments Co., which is owned by many of the nation's largest banks, handled 13.9 …

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Interchange Cases To Yield Consolidated Complaint in 60 Days

A consolidated complaint arising from some 47 interchange lawsuits filed by merchants and merchant groups against the bank card associations over the past seven months will likely emerge within 60 days, with certification of a class coming by fall, a lawyer representing some of the merchants said today. The various …

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Citi Will Issue Contactless Tokens for N.Y. Mass Transit Test This Spring

Citigroup Inc.'s Citibank, which last year announced it would issue contactless tokens linked to customers' credit and debit card accounts in the New York metropolitan area, is now allowing those devices to be used in a test of radio-frequency-based electronic fare payments by the Metropolitan Transit Authority's MTA New York …

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Investors Smile on First Data’s New Look, Western Union Spin-Off

Despite some poor fourth-quarter financials, shares of First Data Corp. rose nearly 7% this morning after the big transaction processor announced plans to spin off its fast-growing and biggest subsidiary, Western Union, to First Data shareholders. Denver-based First Data also ended speculation that it might sell its lackluster Card Issuing …

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Click&Buy Will Expand Online Payment Options to Phone Bills April 1

Webpay Inc.'s Click&Buy payment service, which handles largely digital-content sales, will begin processing transactions on consumers' phone bills April 1. The service will work with two so-far unnamed telecommunications carriers that together cover 55% of U.S. land-line subscribers, says Fabian G. Siegel, president and chief executive of Webpay, which has …

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A Startup Readies a Payments Network Based on Driver’s Licenses

A startup company led by the former head of a processor of automated clearing house transactions is readying a network that will allow consumers to use their driver's licenses to pay for goods at the point of sale. Boulder, Colo.-based Combined Payments Network LLC plans to formally unveil its product, …

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With GE Consumer Finance, AmEx Claims Seven Bank Card Issuers

American Express Co. has announced the seventh financial institution to agree to issue AmEx cards since the New York-based travel-and-entertainment giant began courting banks for its network two years ago. GE Consumer Finance, a Stamford, Conn.-based unit of General Electric Co., said it will issue cards on AmEx's network that …

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Accelitec Lays Technical Groundwork for PayPilot Expansion in ’06

Accelitec Inc., a Seattle-based company that last year launched a contactless-payment system aimed at merchants rather than banks, says it is preparing for expansion this year by smoothing integration with existing merchant networks. The company's PayPilot product is in beta with an unidentified merchant, and officials say they expect to …

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In an Ironic Twist, Free Terminals Could Hike Payment Software Sales

The trend among independent sales organizations and other distributors to offer point-of-sale terminals to merchants at no nominal cost to them?the so-called free terminal trend–is building the case for POS software as an alternative to dedicated, standalone terminals, says the top executive at one company that specializes in PC-based transaction …

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Digital Transactions