Thursday , September 19, 2024

Debit Cards

The Federal Trade Commission Confirms Its Probe of Debit Card Network Rules

The Federal Trade Commission disclosed on Wednesday that it is investigating whether payment card network rules and practices violate the debit card transaction-routing provisions of the Durbin Amendment in 2010’s Dodd-Frank Act. It’s uncertain, however, whether the investigation goes beyond what Visa Inc. said the FTC requested of it in …

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Discover Prowls for More Deals; CEO Blasts Visa’s “Hijack-Transaction” Tactics

In the wake of its path-breaking partnership with PayPal Inc., Discover Financial Services is ready to do more deals with other companies that will add transaction volume or build its acceptance footprint, chief executive David Nelms indicated on Thursday. Nelms also told stock analysts that growth in the Discover-owned Pulse …

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Co-Op Boosts Debit Usage Among Infrequent Users with a Charitable, Not Personal, Appeal

While some big banks pull back on debit card promotion, smaller institutions are finding ways to boost usage among customers who have cards but seldom use them. And some are finding out that, perhaps because of the time of the year, charitable appeals may work better than personal rewards. Co-Op …

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As EMV-Debit-Durbin Problem Festers, a Solution May Be on Its Way

A knotty problem involving the EMV chip card standard, debit card transaction routing, and the Durbin Amendment may take a crucial step toward resolution next month when the country’s two largest card networks are expected to indicate whether they will support a potential solution proposed by a debit-network group, according …

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NYCE Hopes To Drive New ATM Traffic with a Limited-Surcharge Program

For ATM owners struggling to attract consumer traffic, half a loaf of surcharge revenue may be better than none at all. A new program called Dollar$top from processor Fidelity National Information Services Inc.’s (FIS’s) NYCE electronic funds transfer network will put the concept of a limited fee to the test …

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Apriva Extends Agreement With Visa To Offer Discounted Vending-Machine Pricing

Fewer than two months after a competitor announced a similar deal, wireless payments provider Apriva Inc. this week reported that it would continue offering pre-Durbin Amendment discounted acceptance pricing on Visa cards to vending-machine operators. Debit card interchange in late 2011 became a major concern for vending-machine operators and other …

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The Federal Trade Commission Sniffs Around a Visa Debit Gateway

Already under investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice for its competitive response to the Durbin Amendment debit card regulations in 2010’s Dodd-Frank Act, Visa Inc. is now getting scrutiny from the Federal Trade Commission about a gateway service that routes transactions to PIN-debit networks. Visa disclosed on Friday in …

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Visa Reports Growth in Credit, Less Bleeding in Debit, Progress for Its Wallet

Visa Inc. on Wednesday reported brisk growth in its credit business and a stabilizing debit market while touting progress for its new digital wallet, Overall, the results released for Visa’s fourth quarter show the world’s biggest payments network is wising up about how to cope with a new, more …

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MasterCard Reports Debit Up, Credit Growth So-So, And a Tie-Up with Square

New PIN-debit business as a result of the Durbin Amendment continued to lift MasterCard Inc.’s transaction volume in the third quarter, though the No. 2 card network’s top executives warned on Wednesday that the big growth is likely to slow down. Meanwhile, MasterCard is turning its attention to juicing up …

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A Parking Processor Gets into a Political Fender-Bender with Sen. Durbin

A 13-cent fee increase from Parkmobile USA Inc., a specialty payments processor for parking providers and municipalities, drew heavy fire last week from U.S. Sen. Richard Durbin, chief sponsor of the Durbin Amendment in 2010’s Dodd-Frank Act that imposed price controls on most debit card transactions. The brouhaha is the …

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