Thursday , September 19, 2024

Debit Cards

Durbin Casts a Wary Eye on Rising Small-Ticket Debit Interchange

U.S. Sen. Richard Durbin on Tuesday said he is aware that new Visa and MasterCard interchange schedules will cause some merchants to pay much more in interchange when a consumer uses a debit card from a big bank to pay for small purchases. Durbin said the Federal Reserve Board should …

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Applying the Durbin Maximum, Visa And MasterCard Could Squash Small Tickets

  It’s back to the future, and in many cases higher merchant-acceptance costs for transactions at or under $15, with the bank card networks’ new debit card interchange schedules that will take effect Saturday. That’s the same date that regulated interchange pricing under the Durbin Amendment to the 2010 Dodd-Frank …

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Wobbly Economy Notwithstandng, Discover Posts Strong Results

  Newspapers, television, and the Web are full of bleak assessments about the U.S. economy, but you wouldn’t know that from the latest financial and operating results reported by Discover Financial Services, the credit card issuer and student-loan provider that’s also the fourth-largest general-purpose credit card network. Discover card sales …

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Private-Equity Player GTCR Swoops in to Snatch Fundtech from S1’s Grasp

In yet another twist in the ongoing corporate drama involving payments-software firms S1 Corp., Fundtech Ltd., and ACI Worldwide Inc., news emerged early on Thursday that Fundtech is spurning S1 in favor of what it views as a better offer from GTCR, a Chicago-based private-equity firm with a history of …

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Consumers May Not See Much Durbin Benefit from Card-Not-Present Merchants

  n Some 41% of card-not-present merchants responding to the survey at the Direct Response Forum’s annual conference earlier this month said they do not intend to pass on lower debit card costs to consumers, according to results announced on Thursday by the DRF. Fully 56% said they don’t know …

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Shazam And Adaptive Payments Unveil PIN-Debit Acceptance on Smart Phones

One week after announcing it is testing dual-message PIN debit, the Shazam debit network said on Tuesday it will introduce later this year a product that will let merchants accept PIN debit transactions on smart phones. The product, developed by Fort Lauderdale, Fla.-based authentication-technology vendor Adaptive Payments, comes as networks …

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With an Added 50 Cents Per Share, ACI Ups the Ante in Its Bid for Control of S1

ACI Worldwide Inc. on Thursday sweetened its offer for rival payments-software vendor S1 Corp. Facing stiff resistance from S1’s management, ACI added 50 cents a share to the cash portion of its bid, increasing it from the $5.70 it first offered July 26 to $6.20. It is also offering about …

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Digital Transactions