Saturday , September 21, 2024


Visa And Mastercard Announce Moves to Ease And Secure Online Commerce

Concepts like tokenization, biometrics, and secure e-commerce have attracted much attention in recent years, and in the past couple of days the nation’s two major payments networks have moved to bring that concept closer to reality for online payments. Visa on Thursday announced a deal with Netflix Inc. to expand …

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Visa Token Service Adds 20 Requestors And Keeps the Service Free

Visa Inc. is banking big on its Visa Token Service with the addition of 20 acquirer, gateway, and technology companies signing up to offer the network token. The card brand Wednesday announced the additions, called requestors because they request tokens for the credit and debit cards processed through their systems. …

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Apptizer Launches Order Eat Pay Service and other Digital Transactions News briefs from 10/17/18

Prepaid card program manager Netspend Corp. and its business partners were scrambling Wednesday morning to clear up an apparent glitch preventing some users of a prepaid product for payroll from accessing their paychecks. Issuing partner MetaBank released a statement to news media indicating it is working to clear up the …

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What a Difference a Year Makes: Consumer Sentiment Shifts Substantially Toward Tech Firms

With technology companies increasingly eyeing financial services, a survey from Brookfield, Wis.-based bank processor Fiserv Inc. indicates 55% of consumers feel comfortable using a company like Apple Inc. or Alphabet Inc.’s Google to pay bills, up from 40% in 2017. Thirty-nine percent would take out a loan from a tech-company service, …

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BitPay Adds Cryptocurrency Settlement Options and other Digital Transactions News briefs from 10/15/18

American Express Co. said it is using the Ethoca Eliminator service from chargeback-mitigation specialist Ethoca, which can help prevent disputes for U.S. merchants by providing more detailed transaction information in real time to AmEx card users when they spot an unrecognized charge. Blockchain-payments provider BitPay said merchants now can receive their …

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Eye on Transactions: Strong Consumer Spending Lifts Payment Cards at Chase, Citi, and Wells

With the economy still humming along, three of the nation’s biggest banks on Friday reported healthy increases in third-quarter payment card purchase volumes. JPMorgan Chase & Co., owner of the nation’s biggest bank-run merchant acquirer, posted $343.8 billion in merchant-processing volume, a 14% increase from $301.6 billion in 2017’s third …

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ATM Surcharges Rise Again, but Foreign Fees Ease

The average ATM surcharge increased this year for the 14th year in a row, but ATM foreign fees eased a bit, according to Bankrate Inc.’s latest annual study of ATM and checking account fees. New York City-based Bankrate says the average surcharge is now $3.02, up 5 cents, or 1.7%, …

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ATM Surcharges Increase and other Digital Transactions News briefs from 10/10/18

Fiserv Inc. said it connected more than 100 banks and credit unions so far to the Zelle peer-to-peer payments network. The institutions are now live or will be going live soon, the company said. The average surcharge assessed by the ATM owner for an out-of-network transaction rose for the 14th …

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COMMENTARY: How Square’s Platform Makes Ho-Hum Products Unique

Last week payment processor Square Inc. announced its Square Installments service which provides loans of up to $10,000 to customers of its merchant clients. Like all similar services, it splits a consumer’s repayment of large purchases into fixed monthly amounts. Installment solutions are not unique in payments, far from it. But …

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Apple Pay Outranks Other Mobile Wallets Among Debit Card Users

Fresh data indicates that most debit card transactions on mobile wallets—77%—are on Apple Pay. Coming from New York City-based Auriemma Consulting Group, which canvassed debit card issuers, the data also found that Samsung Pay and Google Pay accounted for 17% and 6% of transactions. Auriemma suggests one reason for the …

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Digital Transactions