Friday , September 20, 2024


Early Results Look Good for AmEx’s RF Payment Pilot

American Express Co.'s experiment with contactless payment based on keyfobs in and around Phoenix, in progress since July, is expanding into more locations and apparently meeting with merchant and consumer approval. The ExpressPay program, which puts small keychain fobs in the hands of consumers instead of plastic cards, relies on …

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More Star Defections to Interlink Coming, says TowerGroup

Expect more big banks to follow Wells Fargo & Co. and Wachovia Corp. in switching their debit processing business from Concord EFS to Visa, according to an industry analyst. John Gould, director of consumer credit research for TowerGroup, a payments research company, says in the process of moving their debit-processing …

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TCF Re-Ups with Visa

After an acrimonious summer in which TCF Financial Corp. first complained about the costly Visa/MasterCard settlement in the Wal-Mart case, and then complained even more bitterly when Visa threatened to levy a penalty on TCF if it switched debit brands, the Minneapolis-based bank has come to terms with Visa and …

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Rate of E-check Fraud by Phone Drops by 88%

The rate of unauthorized e-check transactions by telephone is down 88% over the last four quarters, reports the National Automated Clearing House Association. NACHA credits its ability to trace unauthorized phone payments to their source for the plunge in fraudulent e-check payments by phone to 0.15% of all third-quarter telephone …

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Franchisees Turn to Store-Issued Smart Cards

For years, retailers have sought ways to allow their customers to pay electronically while bypassing bank networks and fees. Now some fast-food franchisees are turning to proprietary smart cards–with or without interest from their corporate parents. Los Angeles-based TranStar Systems Inc. has either installed or has orders for systems in …

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Visa and MasterCard: Doing What Competitors Do?

Does the motion filed last week by MasterCard in federal court against Visa signal a new era of real competition between the two card companies? The answer seems to be yes, but the question is whether it’s healthy competition. The motion seeks to stop Visa from enacting a “settlement fee” …

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Banks May Like What Big Blue and Discover Could Offer

Expect some unique credit card offerings in the next six to nine months now that a three-judge panel of the Second U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld an October 2001 U.S. District Court ruling allowing banks to issue American Express and Discover cards. American Express has already issued a …

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Digital Transactions