Thursday , September 19, 2024

Mobile Commerce

Google Announces a Fix for Prepaid Flaw As Security Holes Plague Its Wallet

Google Inc. late on Tuesday announced a solution for a security flaw in its mobile wallet that allows hackers to gain access to wallet owners’ prepaid accounts. Google also said it had, on Monday afternoon, restored the ability to load funds on new prepaid cards. In response to the flaw, …

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Durbin Begins to Bite at Visa As Debit Growth Slows in the Latest Quarter

While acknowledging that federal pricing regulations are crimping growth in its debit card business, Visa Inc. late on Wednesday presented an upbeat report to investors that stressed new ventures like its recently introduced digital wallet, Separately, the world’s largest card network also unveiled new tools to help client banks …

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Datacard, DeviceFidelity Prepare for Mass Issuance of Micro SD Cards for NFC

In a move that could herald a time when card issuers will be able to mass produce specialized cards equipped with near-field communication (NFC) technology, Datacard Group on Monday announced it has taken an equity stake in DeviceFidelity Inc., a Richardson, Texas-based startup that makes micro Secure Digital (SD) cards …

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To Sign Merchants Nationwide, Square Heads to Campus To Recruit a Sales Force

  n San Francisco-based Square posted a notice for a “Square U Representative” position last month on its Web site and has put out reminders about it this month through Twitter as well as a feature story about it on its Facebook page. The job posting indicates the position is …

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Shazam Announces Network-Wide Availability of Mobile Acceptance Including PIN Debit

The Shazam electronic funds transfer network on Wednesday announced it is making available across its network a mobile-payments service that lets stores, tradesmen, and other merchants accept PIN-debit transactions as well as credit and signature-debit payments. With the rollout, the service is available to nearly 1,500 member financial institutions and …

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PayPal’s Home Depot POS Pilot Set to Expand to 51 Stores, eBay Chief Says

San Jose, Calif.-based PayPal Inc. later this week will expand its five-store point-of-sale payments pilot with Home Depot to 51 stores, chiefly in the San Francisco Bay area, according to John Donahoe, chief executive of eBay Inc., PayPal’s parent company, and interim president of PayPal. Speaking during a fourth-quarter conference …

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Marching to the Point of Sale, PayPal Strikes Its First Terminal Agreement

  n Ingenico has been piloting PayPal acceptance for six months, Greg Burch, director of business development at the terminal vendor, tells Digital Transactions News. Burch refuses to name the merchant involved in the pilot, but news emerged last week that Home Depot, which uses Ingenico devices, is testing PayPal …

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PayPal Says It Did $4 Billion in Mobile Volume in 2011, Projects $7 Billion for This Year

PayPal Inc. on Wednesday projected its mobile-payments volume this year will reach $7 billion, nearly doubling the $4 billion it now says its mobile service processed in 2011. The final number for last year came in significantly higher than the $3.5 billion PayPal was estimating late in the year and …

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Virtual Currencies Not Yet Ready for Prime Time, Though Facebook Credits Could Be Close

The Internet, especially through online gaming and social networks, has spawned a number of new electronic currencies. Are any of these ready to make the leap into general usage, the way dollars and pounds and euros and yen are today? That was the fascinating question raised this week at a …

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Digital Transactions