Thursday , September 19, 2024

Mobile Commerce

M-Commerce Spawns New Forms of Money Laundering, U.S. Warns

The rise of mobile phones in South Asia, Africa, and Latin America is bringing many benefits to lesser-developed countries, but the simultaneous rise of mobile banking is creating new opportunities for money laundering, according to a report released Friday by the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of International Narcotics and …

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Citi Makes a Down Payment on M-Payments with ViVOtech Stake

Getting financial institutions and telecommunications providers to agree on major issues related to mobile payments is one of the most difficult problems faced by the nascent mobile-payments industry. Nonetheless, some banks want to plant a stake on the mobile-payments turf early, as evidenced by the announcement this week that Citigroup …

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TSYS Joins Rivals First Data, Metavante in Mobile Banking And Payments

With its announcement on Thursday that it is working with a U.K. provider to enable mobile access to credit card accounts in the U.S., Total System Services Inc. (TSYS) has joined rival payments processors First Data Corp. and Metavante Corp. in entering the nascent but highly promising business of mobile …

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10% of Mobile Banking Enrollees Are New to Wachovia, Bank Reports

Three months after Wachovia Corp. began offering a mobile-banking service based on a software application installed in customers' handsets (Digital Transactions News, Nov. 13, 2007), the Charlotte, N.C.-based banking company is seeing new enrollments in the service rise at an average of 40% per week, while 10% of enrollments have …

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San Francisco NFC Pilot Tests Rewards As Well As Payments

A test of contactless payment via mobile phones, launched this week in San Francisco, relies on near-field communication (NFC) technology not only to handle transactions but also to manage consumer rewards. It differs from past NFC pilots in the U.S. in another way: It doesn't rely on either the MasterCard …

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MasterCard Streamlines OTA for Its Spokane M-Payments Pilot

With its latest pilot for near-field communication (NFC) technology, which was announced on Monday and got under way last Thursday with select U.S. Bancorp credit card holders in Spokane, Wash., MasterCard Worldwide is testing a streamlined version of handset personalization it hopes will make it easier for consumers to adopt …

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Mocapay Readies for a National Rollout of Its M-Commerce Service

Fledgling mobile-payments processor Mocapay Inc., which has been handling transactions for about 200 merchants in the Boulder, Colo, and Cincinnati areas, plans to launch a national rollout of its service this spring, the company's chief marketing officer tells Digital Transactions News. The 2-year-old company plans to complete work on its …

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Consumers Want Just One Account for NFC Payments, Survey Says

Many consumers seem willing to use their cell phones or other mobile devices for in-store payments, but the majority wants to have only one credit or debit card account enabled for wireless payments, according to new findings from New York City-based technology research firm ABI Research. The preference for just …

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Survey Shows Heavy Carrier Reliance on Transaction Fees for NFC

In a development that could long complicate the introduction of commercial services allowing consumers to make point-of-sale payments with their mobile phones, mobile network operators say they will derive POS payment revenue chiefly from consumer transaction fees. According to research released this week, some 83% of carriers responding to an …

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Firethorn Chief Says Qualcomm Deal Will Speed up M-Payments

Qualcomm Inc.'s $210 million cash deal for Firethorn Holdings Inc., announced on Wednesday, is expected to accelerate Firethorn's movement toward mobile payments and hands Qualcomm a significant stake in the rapidly developing markets for both banking and payments via handsets, according to Tripp Rackley, chief executive of Atlanta-based Firethorn. “All …

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Digital Transactions