Thursday , September 19, 2024

Mobile Commerce

Content Sales Surge for Qpass As Games, Video Push up Tickets

Qpass Inc., whose software handles mobile-commerce transactions for wireless networks, processed almost $500 million in digital-content sales, up 50% over the like period in 2005, according to Amdocs Inc., Qpass's parent company. Transaction volume grew at an average quarterly rate of 12% in the period, Amdocs said. The St. Louis-based …

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No Single Strategy Will Unlock the Pint-Size Payments Market

Consumers spend up to $1.5 trillion a year using on small purchases using cash, depending on who's estimating, but converting so-called micropayments into electronics will be one of the payment card industry's tougher challenges. Experts contacted by this newsletter's sister publication Digital Transactions magazine for an upcoming story on micropayments …

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For Now, NFC Payment Hindered by Skeptical Carriers, Expert Says

Consumers who participated in a recently ended test in Atlanta of contactless payment on mobile phones may have warmed to the technology (Digital Transactions News, Sept. 8), but banks, transaction processors, independent sales organizations, and other players looking to cash in could now face a formidable hurdle: the wireless phone …

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Bitpass’s New Platform Supports Downloads, Gives Sellers More Data

Bitpass Inc. is expected to announce next week a new processing platform that will, among other things, allow consumers to set up electronic wallets they can use to both pay for and store digital content like songs, videos, and games. The new platform, called the iMedia Commerce Engine, will support …

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Positive Results of Atlanta NFC Pilot Could Spur More U.S. Tests

A nine-month trial of contactless payments using near-field communication (NFC) technology in Atlanta ended this week with what its participants are calling positive results, including an apparently enthusiastic reception from the pilot's 150 users. Meanwhile, the results of the Atlanta pilot may be spurring banks, the bank card networks, handset …

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Valista Sees New Hosted Gateway As Key to U.S. M-Payments Market

Looking to make inroads in the U.S. mobile-commerce market, Valista Ltd. has launched a hosted version of its payments-gateway product and has aimed it squarely at mobile operators hoping to cash in on the trend toward so-called off-deck transactions. The payments-software vendor, based in Dublin, Ireland, and in San Mateo, …

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BankServ Enters P2P, Mobile Payments Business with Magex Deal

The U.S. person-to-person payments business, including P2P payments on cell phones, attracted yet another entrant with the announcement Tuesday by BankServ Inc. that it had acquired the managed-payments platform of Magex Holdings Ltd., a U.K. company, for an undisclosed sum. In the deal, San Francisco-based BankServ, a 10-year-old private company …

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Real Tones Dominate Ring Tone Sales, While Ringback Tone Sales Rise

Some 24.6 million U.S. consumers bought a ring tone in the second quarter of 2006, and they showed a clear preference for so-called real tones, or master tones, over polyphonic and mono ring tones, according to research released today. Ring tones for mobile phones, which are snippets of popular songs, …

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Key MasterCard Deadline Nears for Wireless and IP Terminal Security

A major deadline set by MasterCard Worldwide to enhance the security of transactions originating at wireless and Internet Protocol point-of-sale payment terminals is approaching, but some in the industry say many firms that could be affected aren't paying attention. On Sept. 1, Purchase, N.Y.-based MasterCard will require that newly-installed wireless …

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SMS Will Slip to Minority of M-Payments by 2011, Survey Says

Direct charges to subscribers' bills and credit and debit cards will account for the bulk of mobile payments in five years, with today's preferred method, short-message-service (SMS) payments, dropping to a minority of transactions, a survey released this week indicates. Only 6% of respondents to the survey, attendees at a …

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Digital Transactions