The trend toward acceptance of so-called alternative-payment products by online merchants is going strong and will likely continue for some time, driven largely by incentives for merchants and consumers alike and by ease of use, says Adam Cohen, principal at Brulant Inc., an interactive advertising agency in Cleveland. “I would …
January, 2008
15 January
Ready Credit And CheckFree Get Set to Offer Kiosk-Based Bill Pay
Kiosk-based electronic bill payments got another boost this week when processor Fiserv Inc.'s CheckFreePay walk-in bill-pay unit announced a deal with Ready Credit Corp. that will make bill-pay services available to consumers using cash at Ready Credit's 55 ReadyStation self-service kiosks by early spring. The kiosks, which already allow consumers …
14 January
Final Numbers Show Robust Increases in Holiday Spending Online
While 2007-08 holiday-season spending overall fell short of expectations, e-commerce sales soared, according to final numbers compiled by Dallas-based processor Chase Paymentech Solutions LLC. Ten online merchants for which Chase Paymentech processes transactions saw their total traffic jump 29% for the season, to 108.4 million transactions. Dollar volume grew at …
14 January
Banks Comfortable with Prepaid Cards–Possibly Too Comfortable
Financial-institution issuers of prepaid cards usable on general-purpose payment networks such as Visa and MasterCard are making money, but they may be missing opportunities by not exploring new market niches or checking out networks other than the one they already use. Those are some of the findings released Monday from …
10 January
A Pared-Down Pay By Touch Takes Bids for ‘Non-Core’ Units
Biometric-authentication and loyalty-services technology provider Pay By Touch is in bankruptcy, has cut costs drastically, and is shopping some of its subsidiaries, but the company's former chief executive–who is now a member of the firm's newly constituted board of directors–says Pay By Touch is solid at its core. “This company …
10 January
Mocapay Readies for a National Rollout of Its M-Commerce Service
Fledgling mobile-payments processor Mocapay Inc., which has been handling transactions for about 200 merchants in the Boulder, Colo, and Cincinnati areas, plans to launch a national rollout of its service this spring, the company's chief marketing officer tells Digital Transactions News. The 2-year-old company plans to complete work on its …
9 January
With Its Fiserv Deal, Viewpointe Sees a Big Year for Image Sharing
After a year in which networks that traffic electronic check images racked up big volume gains, the concept of sharing?rather than exchanging?images took center stage this week with the news that Fiserv Inc. will make its proprietary image archive part of the massive storehouse of images maintained by Viewpointe Archive …
9 January
Consumers Want Just One Account for NFC Payments, Survey Says
Many consumers seem willing to use their cell phones or other mobile devices for in-store payments, but the majority wants to have only one credit or debit card account enabled for wireless payments, according to new findings from New York City-based technology research firm ABI Research. The preference for just …
8 January
Citibank’s ATM Restriction Spotlights Rising Withdrawal Limits
A recent effort by Citigroup Inc.'s Citibank to minimize the effects of a spate of fraud by cutting some customers' daily ATM withdrawal limits in the New York City area has cast some light on a dim corner of the payment industry. Daily withdrawal limits on ATMs are up dramatically …
7 January
USA Technologies’ Rental Program Boosts Contactless Vending
USA Technologies Inc.'s new Quick Start program, which lets bottlers and other vending-machine owners rent rather than buy its e-Port G6 readers that process magnetic-stripe and contactless card transactions, apparently is delivering the desired lift to e-Port shipments. Malvern, Pa.-USA Technologies today reported that it shipped 7,123 e-Port devices in …