Pay By Touch Inc., which on Monday introduced a new, personal-computer-based authentication service based on fingerprint identification, plans to couple the new service with online payments and loyalty programs some time in the first half of 2007. The new product, called TrueMe, relies on the San Francisco company's technology, along …
October, 2006
9 October
As Image Exchange Traffic Climbs, More Banks Clear Image Files
Image-exchange volumes continue to climb at a steady pace, and so does the volume of checks settled through image networks as images rather than as paper substitute checks, new data show. SVPCO's Image Payments Network, which links 15 large financial institutions and is the country's largest image-exchange system, reported Monday …
6 October
No Single Strategy Will Unlock the Pint-Size Payments Market
Consumers spend up to $1.5 trillion a year using on small purchases using cash, depending on who's estimating, but converting so-called micropayments into electronics will be one of the payment card industry's tougher challenges. Experts contacted by this newsletter's sister publication Digital Transactions magazine for an upcoming story on micropayments …
5 October
Ex-Global Payments Exec Cohen Seeks New Growth Channels at Moneris
The new president of Moneris Solutions Inc., the U.S. arm of Canada's leading merchant-acquiring operation, says he will diversify the company's distribution channels and at the same time seek profitable niches in a highly competitive industry. Buffalo Grove, Ill.-based Moneris currently derives most of its U.S. transactions from merchants booked …
5 October
For Now, NFC Payment Hindered by Skeptical Carriers, Expert Says
Consumers who participated in a recently ended test in Atlanta of contactless payment on mobile phones may have warmed to the technology (Digital Transactions News, Sept. 8), but banks, transaction processors, independent sales organizations, and other players looking to cash in could now face a formidable hurdle: the wireless phone …
4 October
MasterCard Unveils Network-Level, Real-Time PIN-Fraud Scoring
With PIN debit fraud losses rising along with consumer usage of PIN debit cards, MasterCard Worldwide announced on Wednesday a system it says will score PIN transactions in real time to assess their risk of fraud. Purchase, N.Y.-based MasterCard says when the service goes live in the first quarter of …
3 October
Impact of Online-Gaming Law Seen As Mixed for Processors, Banks
Three days after Congress passed a law restricting payments for Internet wagers, what seems clear is that the implications for banks and transaction processors are mixed. Observers say the new law will likely prevent most U.S. banks or third-party companies that still process online gambling payments from continuing to do …
2 October
Eye on ATMs: Pass Code Hacker Fallout, Chase Network Expansion
A security expert says publicity about a hacker who was able to trick a cash dispenser into giving out four times as much cash as it debited may do some good in preventing this type of fraud. “I think awareness will go up because of this, and that's half the …
September, 2006
29 September
It’s One Step Ahead, One Back for Visa at Dollar General, University
It may be as rare as an ivory-billed woodpecker, but the merchant that accepts Visa without also accepting MasterCard or vice versa is not extinct in the United States. Within the past week, discount retailer Dollar General Corp. announced it would accept Visa credit and check (signature-debit) cards but not …
28 September
New Registry of Security Marks Aims at Thwarting Check-Image Fraud
Responding in part to unique security issues created by electronic image exchange in the U.S., the nation's largest settler of clearinghouse check volume this week introduced a registry for what it calls image-survivable security features to protect check images from fraud. The registry, operated by the Dallas-based National Clearing House …