Tuesday , March 18, 2025

October, 2006

  • 3 October

    Impact of Online-Gaming Law Seen As Mixed for Processors, Banks

    Three days after Congress passed a law restricting payments for Internet wagers, what seems clear is that the implications for banks and transaction processors are mixed. Observers say the new law will likely prevent most U.S. banks or third-party companies that still process online gambling payments from continuing to do …

  • 2 October

    Eye on ATMs: Pass Code Hacker Fallout, Chase Network Expansion

    A security expert says publicity about a hacker who was able to trick a cash dispenser into giving out four times as much cash as it debited may do some good in preventing this type of fraud. “I think awareness will go up because of this, and that's half the …

September, 2006

  • 29 September

    It’s One Step Ahead, One Back for Visa at Dollar General, University

    It may be as rare as an ivory-billed woodpecker, but the merchant that accepts Visa without also accepting MasterCard or vice versa is not extinct in the United States. Within the past week, discount retailer Dollar General Corp. announced it would accept Visa credit and check (signature-debit) cards but not …

  • 28 September

    New Registry of Security Marks Aims at Thwarting Check-Image Fraud

    Responding in part to unique security issues created by electronic image exchange in the U.S., the nation's largest settler of clearinghouse check volume this week introduced a registry for what it calls image-survivable security features to protect check images from fraud. The registry, operated by the Dallas-based National Clearing House …

  • 27 September

    New Boss of Comdata Acquiring Unit Aims to Move into Top 10

    Rod Katzfey, the new boss of Comdata Processing Systems, has worked for some of the nation's biggest merchant acquirers?U.S. Bancorp, First Data Corp., and, most recently, ABN AMRO Merchant Services, where he was general manager. He expects that some day the company he joined this month as senior vice president …

  • 27 September

    New Super Switch Lets Visa Handle Transaction Growth, Diversity

    Visa USA, which on Wednesday announced it has completed a massive, five-year project to overhaul its authorization platform, says the new system will allow the network to handle expected jumps in both the volume and diversity of electronic transactions. The overhaul, which its chief architect, John Partridge, calls “the single …

  • 26 September

    Bitpass’s New Platform Supports Downloads, Gives Sellers More Data

    Bitpass Inc. is expected to announce next week a new processing platform that will, among other things, allow consumers to set up electronic wallets they can use to both pay for and store digital content like songs, videos, and games. The new platform, called the iMedia Commerce Engine, will support …

  • 25 September

    Tab for E-Commerce Glitches Could Be $60 Billion by 2010

    Problems with transactions could cost e-commerce merchants and other Internet businesses some $60 billion in sales through 2010, according to a consumer survey released Monday. Altogether, 88% of consumers reported problems with transactions at shopping, banking, travel, and insurance sites. About one-third of consumers who run into checkout or payment …

  • 22 September

    Payments Group Plans to Ride Wave Made by New Microsoft OS

    In coming months, software colossus Microsoft Corp. will be reaping bushels of publicity about Microsoft Windows Vista, the newest version of the world's leading desktop operating system that's scheduled for release early next year. Along for the ride, and with a novel approach to the electronic payments business, is a …

  • 21 September

    After Some Delay, Check Imaging at ATMs Is Serious Business

    Check imaging at ATMs is poised to become a big business, much bigger even than some experts had thought up to now. Driven by the Check Clearing Act for the 21st Century (Check 21), enacted in October 2004, banks are just now starting to equip machines to take so-called envelopeless …

Digital Transactions