Thursday , March 20, 2025

September, 2006

  • 5 September

    MasterCard Will Post Interchange Rates, Cap Fees for Gas Retailers

    Bowing to merchant pressure, MasterCard Inc. said Tuesday it will publish its U.S. interchange rates on its Web site and cap interchange fees on certain gasoline purchases. The moves, which will include the first time either of the two major bank card associations has published its interchange rates publicly, follow …

  • 4 September

    Will Old Risk to Credit Cards Threaten New ACH Web Proposal?

    As an e-commerce payment system being developed for the automated clearing house nears a pilot scheduled for early next year, it may confront an old issue that sank an earlier such project: the potential for lost credit card sales online. That's according to an in-depth story on the ACH and …

  • 1 September

    VeriFone Banks on a Looming Upgrade Market in the U.S. And Canada

    China, India, and other high-growth payments markets get a lot of attention nowadays, but leading U.S.-based payment-terminal marketer VeriFone Holdings Inc. still sees plenty of opportunity close to home. San Jose, Calif.-based VeriFone's aggressive focus on North America comes even as its pending acquisition of Israel-based rival Lipman Electronic Engineering …

  • 1 September

    Study Warns of Contactless, Other Rising Risks for Top Acquirers

    Contactless payments loom large among rising challenges now confronting even the most dominant processors in the U.S. merchant-acquiring business, according to a new study. The report estimates that acquirers processed 45.5 billion credit, prepaid, and signature-debit transactions in 2005, a huge electronic transactions market it says is controlled by five …

August, 2006

  • 31 August

    More Than Six Months Out, the Buzz Builds for BOC

    It doesn't go live until next March 16, yet the new back-office conversion (BOC) electronic-check payment option already is attracting a good deal of interest from payment processors and their customers looking to reduce volumes of paper checks and speed customer service. “We believe this new conversion code will definitely …

  • 30 August

    Issuers Win And Lose As the Fed Puts Reg E’s Stamp on Payroll Cards

    In the Federal Reserve Board's final rule that extends Regulation E provisions to the fast-growing payroll card sector, electronic transaction reporting won out over paper statements, but issuers may take on added risk with a longer time period for dispute resolution, experts say. After a two-year process that involved taking …

  • 29 August

    Terminal-Based PIN Fraud in Canada Spreads to Toronto

    Canadian police have made seven arrests as part of a continuing investigation into what might be a terrorist-connected scheme to skim PINs and other credit and debit card information from a point-of-sale terminal. The case, which has affected residents of Mississauga, a town near Toronto, involved a handheld terminal at …

  • 29 August

    Wary or Not, Phishing Continued Its Rapid Ascent in June

    Phishing hit record levels in June, according to new numbers released this week by the Anti-Phishing Working Group, though the group cautions that the increase was caused in large part by new data sources that drove up the sample size. The number of unique reports of phishing attacks hit 28,571 …

  • 25 August

    Cutting Payment Costs, Wesco Helps Debitman with Issuer Gap

    A Michigan convenience-store chain believes its new Debitman card program will lower its card-acceptance costs while simultaneously boosting customer loyalty by taking some of the sting out of rising gasoline prices. Debitman Card Inc. announced this week that Muskegon-based Wesco Inc., which operates 51 stores in the state, would join …

  • 24 August

    Visa Data Show Increasing Penetration of Sub-$25 Market

    Visa USA reported Thursday an increasing willingness among consumers to use cards for purchases valued at under $25, a highly coveted transaction segment in which the San Francisco-based bank card network waives its signature requirement in some 17 merchant categories. The network says its payment volume in this segment jumped …

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