While PIN debit transactions at the point of sale are growing at a torrid pace, the payment application faces major hurdles when it comes to future growth, according to a research report released this week. PIN debit has registered annual growth rates between 35% and 38% since 2003, outpacing the …
August, 2006
2 August
MasterCard, Post IPO, Swings to a Loss on Extraordinary Items
MasterCard Inc., reporting quarterly results for the first time since its initial public offering in May, said it lost $310.5 million in the three-month period ended June 30, compared to a gain of $120.2 million in the second quarter of 2005. One-time expenses, including a $400.3 million cost for 13.5 …
2 August
AmEx Cuts Costs But Boosts Marketing with Web Efforts
American Express Co. cardholders paid their AmEx bills nearly 100 million times in 2005 using the Internet, Judson C. Linville, president of the New York City-based firm's U.S. Consumer Card Services Group, told analysts Wednesday. “The Web has fundamentally transformed our business in the last few years,” Linville said at …
1 August
POS Debit Card Usage Continues To Grow, Star Survey Says
Debit cards continue to find favor with consumers for point-of-sale purchases, results of the latest annual payments survey by First Data Corp.'s Star electronic funds transfer network shows. And recent security breaches involving PIN-based debit cards don't yet seem to have dented PIN debit's popularity. According to Star's 2005/2006 Consumer …
July, 2006
31 July
Prepaid Card Roundup: New Virgin Mobile Card, U. S. Bank Hits Milestone
Wireless provider Virgin Mobile USA LLC on Monday introduced a reloadable prepaid card that will allow its 4 million mostly young subscribers to pay for goods and services at stores and on the Web, pay bills, and send cash to one another. The card, a Visa-branded product Virgin calls the …
28 July
Key MasterCard Deadline Nears for Wireless and IP Terminal Security
A major deadline set by MasterCard Worldwide to enhance the security of transactions originating at wireless and Internet Protocol point-of-sale payment terminals is approaching, but some in the industry say many firms that could be affected aren't paying attention. On Sept. 1, Purchase, N.Y.-based MasterCard will require that newly-installed wireless …
27 July
Now Hot, Remote Capture Will Get Hotter with Move ‘Down Market’
Merchants and other businesses that accept checks are adopting electronic truncation?also known as remote deposit capture?so quickly that one expert observer expects the number of installed systems to more than double next year. Indeed, says Bob Meara, a senior analyst at Boston-based researcher Celent LLC, demand for remote capture is …
27 July
Adding Princeton eCom Boosts Expedited Payment Plans at ORC
Relying in part on its recently completed acquisition of Princeton eCom Corp., Online Resources Corp., Chantilly, Va., plans to roll out a real-time expedited payments service for its banking-client base by the first quarter of next year, Matthew P. Lawlor, chief executive of the company, tells Digital Transactions News. The …
26 July
Most Breaches Occur at Card-Present Merchants, Auditor Data Show
Brick-and-mortar merchants?and restaurants in particular?pose the biggest risk when it comes to card-data compromises, while point-of-sale systems based on personal computers as well as those hooked up to broadband connections are at significantly greater risk. That's according to new data released by AmbironTrustWave, a Chicago-based company that performs security audits …
25 July
First Data Takes Over Banco Popular’s Mainland Merchant File
First Data Corp. announced Tuesday that it would process the merchant portfolio affiliated with Puerto Rico-based banking company Popular Inc.'s Banco Popular North America unit. The portfolio provides card-processing services for an undisclosed number of BPNA's 50,000 small-business customers in the United States. Banco Popular had outsourced the file to …