Friday , March 21, 2025

May, 2006

  • 26 May

    An ACH-Image Proposal for Checks Roils Banks And Networks

    A proposal to merge electronic check images with automated clearing house records, which first came to the fore at an industry trade show earlier this month, could become a reality?at least in a limited way–relatively soon. Backers of the plan, which include executives with at least two of the nation's …

  • 25 May

    Phishing Takes Another Sharp Turn in the Wrong Direction As Sites Soar

    The number of unique Web sites hosting phishing attacks, a figure that has been increasing sharply in recent months, took another huge upturn in April, according to the latest statistics from the Anti-Phishing Working Group. The population of such sites jumped 15% last month, to 11,121, the APWG's April report, …

  • 23 May

    MobileLime Recruits First ISO in Effort to Sell Merchants Nationally

    Seeking to broaden its reach as it rolls out to merchants nationally, Vayusa Inc. has begun to recruit independent sales organizations to sell its MobileLime cell-phone-based loyalty and rewards system. MobileLime, which earlier this year signed its first merchant outside the Northeast, this week announced Vision Payments Solutions LLC, a …

  • 23 May

    Debitman’s HSBC Deal Could Help It Corral More Merchant Issuers

    There are no specific issuing agreements yet, but private-label credit card issuing giant HSBC Retail Services has teamed up with Debitman Card Inc. in a deal that could result in HSBC retailer clients offering PIN-debit cards to their customers usable on Debitman's network. If the arrangement pans out, it would …

  • 23 May

    Merchants Hit MasterCard IPO on Anticompetitive Grounds

    A law firm co-leading the merchant class-action interchange lawsuit against Visa USA, MasterCard Inc. and a number of their large members yesterday filed a supplemental complaint in federal court asserting that MasterCard's imminent initial public offering of stock is an attempt to shield itself from antitrust liability for past interchange …

  • 22 May

    Valista Gears New Software Release to M-Payments Trends

    Hoping to take advantage of the related trends in mobile commerce toward so-called off-portal business and direct-to-bill payments, international m-payments processor Valista Ltd. has introduced a new version of its transaction-processing engine, which is aimed primarily at mobile-network operators and Internet Service Providers. The latest release of the engine, called …

  • 19 May

    A Boom Is Building in FSA Debit Cards, But Challenges Remain

    Because of the efficiency, savings, and convenience they bring to a system traditionally choked with paper, debit cards linked to flexible-spending accounts (FSAs) are turning into a hot growth market in electronic payments. Issuers will put 6 million of the cards in circulation in 2006, up 50% over last year …

  • 18 May

    Tiny Has Big Ambitions for National Image Exchange

    A small Wichita, Kan.-based software company is getting set to take a big step in bringing image exchange to small financial institutions around the country. Starting with the north central region of the U.S., Inc., a provider of Web-based systems for image processing and origination of automated clearing house …

  • 18 May

    Online Bill Payments Show Big Gains, But Some Fret over Security

    In another indication of the erosion of paper checks in consumer transactions, the volume of bill payments made by check as a fraction of all bill payments has fallen to 37.5% from 61.1% four years ago, according to a report released this week by online bill-payment processor CheckFree Corp. with …

  • 17 May

    Wal-Mart Claims Its Bank Could Stop Transactions for PCI Non-Compliance

    Critics blasted away at Wal-Mart Stores Inc.'s plan to open a Utah industrial loan corporation for most of three days in late April, and now the world's biggest retailer is firing back. Wal-Mart filed a 14-page letter earlier this month with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. addressing the major concerns …

Digital Transactions