Thursday , March 20, 2025

February, 2006

  • 20 February

    Report: Transaction Kiosks Will More Than Double by 2009

    The installed base of ATM-like machines that allow consumers to pay bills, cash checks, top up prepaid wireless cards, and perform other financial transactions is set to explode as retailers and banks seek ways to serve the population of unbanked and underbanked customers, a new research report says. Indeed, the …

  • 17 February

    Small-Bank Demand for Remote Capture Leads to New Hosted Service

    In a sign of how fast the market for remote capture of checks is developing, one of the largest software companies serving the image-exchange market has launched a hosted product to serve small financial institutions looking to get into the business quickly. “We're seeing significant demand [from small banks] because …

  • 16 February

    Inconsistency Threatens Contactless-Payment Rollouts, Expert Warns

    For all the progress banks and merchants have made so far with contactless payments, further success is threatened by inconsistent approval criteria for components ranging from chips to readers, an expert in radio-frequency-based payment warns. That inconsistency, he says, is driving up costs and breeding frustration among vendors. “It's just …

  • 15 February

    Interchange Caps Not Wanted, C-Stores Chief Tells Congress

    The battle over interchange, which has already spawned some 47 antitrust suits against the bank card networks and major banks, reached the U.S. Congress today as advocates for both retailers and banks traded sometimes barbed arguments before a panel holding a one-day hearing to look into the networks' pricing mechanism. …

  • 14 February

    December Brought No Holiday Cheer to Those Fretting over Phishing

    December was an ominous month for banks, retailers, processors, and other service providers concerned about the safety of the Internet commerce channel. Although the reported number of phishing incidents declined in the last month of last year, that drop masked alarming increases in the number of malicious Web sites launching …

  • 13 February

    Discover Unveils a Signature Debit Card, Though No Issuers Yet

    Morgan Stanley's Discover Financial Services LLC today launched a signature-based debit card, dubbed Discover Debit, as the second major prong in its debit card offensive. Because signature-based debit delivers higher income to issuers than PIN debit, observers have looked for such a product from Discover ever since the Riverwoods, Ill.-based …

  • 13 February

    Heartland Buys Debitek, Pushes Deeper into Small-Value Payments

    Heartland Payment Systems Inc., a publicly held acquiring processor based in Princeton, N.J., announced today it has acquired Debitek, a provider of closed-loop stored-value systems based in Chattanooga, Tenn., from terminal maker Ingenico Corp. Terms of the transaction, which was structured as a stock purchase, were not disclosed. The deal …

  • 10 February

    Could Merchants Use POS Readers, M-Wallet to Skirt Interchange?

    In building out a network of point-of-sale readers to accept their contactless cards and tokens, banks and their card associations could be creating an infrastructure that will also support payments based on new mobile-payment technologies like Motorola Corp.'s M-Wallet software that could bypass the lucrative credit card interchange system, one …

  • 9 February

    Motorola Looks to Start Commercial M-Wallet Service by Summer

    Motorola Inc.'s new payment software for mobile phones, called M-Wallet, will begin commercial rollout within three to six months with wireless carriers, the Schaumburg, Ill.-based technology company tells Digital Transactions News. A test of M-Wallet is already in progress, officials say, though they can't give details. The company is in …

  • 9 February

    SVPCO: Costly IRDs Are Now Just 20% of Image-Exchange Volume

    When the Check Clearing Act for the 21st Century (Check 21) went into effect in October 2004, experts predicted it would be years before banks weaned themselves from the so-called image-replacement documents provided for in the law. These IRDs are paper printouts of check images that travel the last mile …

Digital Transactions