The banks that own MasterCard Inc. cleared the way today for the bank card network to offer stock to the public and to reconstitute its governing board. By an overwhelming margin in a special meeting of shareholders, MasterCard’s shareholders approved the company’s proposal for an initial public offering that will …
November, 2005
25 November
BioPay Looks for Big Year for Biometric Payments in 2006
This may be the year contactless payment gained a foothold among banks and merchants, but another technology?biometrically secured point-of-sale payments?is starting to gain momentum, as well. BioPay LLC, a provider of the technology for both POS transactions and payroll check-cashing, says it expects in 2006 to double, and possibly triple, …
23 November
Absence of Fee Break Could Hinder RFID’s Penetration of Cash
The U.S. cash-payment market is enormous, but banks' hopes of penetrating it with so-called contactless technology could falter if high acceptance costs spur merchants to look at alternative electronic payment methods. That's one among a number of findings in a new study released this week on the market for transactions …
22 November
E-Commerce Sales Jump 26.7%, Reach Record Share of Overall Retail
U.S. e-commerce sales totaled $22.3 billion in the third quarter, up 26.7% from the year-ago period, according to statistics released today by the U.S. Department of Commerce. Transactions on the Internet now account for 2.3% of all U.S. retail sales, according to the latest figures, the highest share yet for …
21 November
Visa Says Gas-Price Relief Is Helping Drive Pre-Holiday Spending
Pre-holiday spending volume on Visa cards continued to build in the week through Sunday, with overall transactions increasing 18.8%, to 405.6 million ($22.7 billion in dollar volume), over the same week a year ago. Activity on the Internet and in fast-food chains, two closely watched emerging spending categories, increased 22.5% …
21 November
Phishers Grow Bolder, More Inventive, in Stealing Online Data
Fraudsters sent out fewer phishing e-mail campaigns in September, but they operated from more Web sites, launched several opportunistic campaigns?including ones designed to steal donations intended for Hurricane Katrina victims?and became even more inventive in their use of keyloggers and other malware. The number of unique phishing reports received by …
18 November
Corillian Integrates Strong Authentication in Software, Services
With identify fraud posing a serious challenge to online bankers and merchants, technology vendors are starting to respond with hardware- and software-based solutions offering so-called strong authentication, which adds a second factor of identity to the standard user-name/password pair. Now Corillian Corp. has launched a product it says is the …
18 November
PayPal’s Off-eBay Merchant Efforts Hit Paydirt with Dell Signing
EBay Inc.'s PayPal payment service continued its diversification effort beyond the eBay online auction community this week by adding computer giant Dell Inc. to its growing fold of mainstream merchants. PayPal also unveiled an online gift-certificate program for merchants that expands upon an eBay gift-certificate plan launched two years ago. …
17 November
CheckFree Takes a Networked Approach to Payments Fraud
CheckFree Corp. is leveraging its access to millions of electronic bill-payment transactions to offer a new anti-fraud tool that it says can stop fraud losses before they happen in consumer payment channels in and outside of electronic bill pay. The Norcross, Ga.-based processor, which serves about 1,700 financial institutions and …
16 November
Study: PIN Debit Cheaper, Less Fraud-Prone Than Signature
PIN debit transactions are cheaper than debit card transactions secured by signature, incur lower fraud losses, and generate slightly higher average tickets, according to a survey of issuing banks. Taking into account processing costs as well as the cost of back-office fraud-management, chargebacks, settlement, customer service, and accounting functions, the …