Citigroup Inc. plans to roll out 2.5 million key fobs for contactless debit card payment following a launch of the technology this fall in the New York area, the banking giant announced today. The so-called tap-and-go transaction devices will fit on consumer's keychains, and will be based on MasterCard International's …
August, 2005
24 August
ORC Plans Pilot of Merchant Database to Intercept Chargebacks
Online Resource Corp. next month will begin a pilot of an online merchant database it hopes will allow issuers to resolve consumer questions regarding card payments, stopping them from becoming expensive retrieval requests and chargebacks. The new service will be tried out with an unnamed top-five debit card issuer, the …
23 August
Strides by e-onlinedata Raise Profile of ISOs in E-Commerce Processing
In a sign that independent sales organizations specializing in e-commerce are achieving a higher profile, e-onlinedata said today it has signed up its 2,500th reseller. It also estimates it will pay out more than $1.5 million in bonuses and residuals over the next year. Resellers for e-onlinedata, which is itself …
19 August
C-Sam Touts ‘Wallet’ Software to Spark Mobile Payments in the U.S.
A small, privately held company based in the outskirts of Chicago figures it has the platform on which mobile payments will take off in the U.S., a market that up to now has not been favorable for handheld-based transactions. By the end of the year, C-Sam Inc. plans to have …
19 August
RSA Survey Shows Rising Interest in Strong Authentication
Consumers are willing to engage in more e-commerce if banks, auction sites, and other Web-based service providers offer strong authentication, particularly that based on hardware devices, to protect against fraud, a survey shows. Almost half of consumers surveyed said they would be more or much more likely to switch to …
18 August
SVPCO Gears for Growth with New Automated Settlement Service
New York-based SVPCO, architect of an image-exchange network serving some of the nation's largest banks, this week switched on a new service that allows users of its network to clear check images automatically. The new automated settlement function, which comes about a year after the network began flowing images, effectively …
17 August
Losses to Phishing Less Than 1% of All Fraud on PIN Debit, Report Says
Concerns about fraud losses owing to the rapidly growing phishing trend may be overblown, at least when it comes to PIN debit at ATMs and the point of sale, according to new research from TowerGroup, a Needham, Mass.-based research firm owned by MasterCard International. While the number of reported phishing …
16 August
Accelitec Looks to Rising Interchange to Help Sell New RFID System
A Seattle-based startup that has been quietly testing a contactless payment system intended to be branded and controlled by merchants is now marketing the system as a way for retailers to control rising card-acceptance costs. Accelitec Inc. says its PayPilot system, which includes token dispensers, tokens equipped with chip-and-transmitter inlays, …
15 August
Paymentech-CMS Merger Positions JP Morgan Chase As Processor
JPMorgan Chase & Co. will merge its two acquiring entities, Paymentech L.P. and Chase Merchant Services L.L.C., in a reorganization to be announced soon, sources tell Digital Transactions News. Details of the deal are sketchy at best, but at least one source familiar with the matter says the merger will …
12 August
Scoring Models Get Results, Make Gains with Online Merchants
Automated risk-scoring systems are starting to assume a higher profile among online merchants as they struggle to control transaction-fraud losses, rejection of valid orders on suspicion of fraud, and the costs of manual order review. David A. Glaser, director of professional services at CyberSource Corp., a Mountain View, Calif.-based transaction-processing …