With credit card fees having become one of their biggest operating expenses, airlines are turning to alternative, lower-cost payment options. The aim is to reduce the collective $1.5 billion in card-acceptance costs airlines pay annually, according to a recent study by Edgar, Dunn & Co. Houston-based Continental Airlines has moved …
March, 2005
23 March
Startup Brings Check-Guarantee Concept to Online Risk Management
A Manhattan-based startup company is bringing the concept of check guarantee to the business of processing card-not-present payments. Precharge Risk Management Solutions, founded less than two years ago, has only in the past few months been actively marketing its service but has already signed up more than 1,000 online merchants, …
22 March
Ambiron-TrustWave Merger Comes As Data-Security Issues Peak
With transaction-data security a top-of-mind concern these days in the wake of such breaches as the ChoicePoint case and the theft of card data from the DSW Shoe Warehouse chain, executives for two leading security-audit firms say their merger couldn't have come at a more propitious time. Chicago-based Ambiron LLC …
22 March
Authorize.Net Focuses on Selling IP Expertise for ‘Non-Traditional’ Devices
After a year of trying to sell itself as a transaction gateway for brick-and-mortar merchants, Authorize.Net Corp. says it has learned one important lesson: when it comes to the point of sale, any Internet-enabled device is capable of being a POS terminal. As a result, the American Fork, Utah-based processor, …
21 March
Fraud Begins to Take Its Toll on High-Potential Digital Markets
E-commerce fraud is beginning to make itself felt in the markets for voice-over-IP (VoIP) services and in digital-content downloads, both of which are high-potential markets that many processors are counting on for transaction growth, according to Retail Decisions Inc., the U.S. unit of Retail Decisions PLC, a provider of online …
21 March
First Data Begins Handling Burger King Transactions in Canada
First Data Corp. has begun to process MasterCard transactions at 123 Burger King Corp. outlets in Canada. The processing deal expands on one the Denver-based processor has for card processing at Burger Kings in the U.S. The card transactions at the Canadian Burger Kings are part of MasterCard's Quick Payment …
18 March
MasterCard Says It Wants Retailers to Stop Storing Mag-Stripe Data
Having recently agreed to standardize their protocols for transaction-data protection primarily at online merchants, the card networks are beginning to push for improved security of stored data at brick-and-mortar retail locations, as well. The move comes in the wake of alarming breaches of card-transaction data at physical retail stores, including …
18 March
Deep Interchange Cuts for SecureCode Could Hike Merchant Enrollment
MasterCard's recent decision to slash its interchange pricing for e-commerce merchants that adopt the bank card association's SecureCode authentication program should significantly improve the business case for the technology and put pressure on Visa USA to respond, industry sources say. “I can't imagine [Visa is] going to let MasterCard steal …
16 March
Discover Chief Nelms Calls for Innovation, Asks for ISO Help
In a determined if not defiant speech delivered today at a conference of independent sales organizations, Discover Financial Services Inc. chief executive David Nelms invited ISOs to help Discover build its network by helping introduce new services and recruiting more merchants. He also decried high merchant acceptance costs and took …
14 March
MasterCard and Visa Agree on Standard for Contactless Payments
MasterCard International and Visa International, which are now both offering platforms in the U.S. for contactless card transactions based on radio-frequency identification technology, have agreed on a common communications protocol and on testing requirements for the technology. The agreement should mean that payment devices branded by one of the associations …