The National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) announced today a change in its rules that will require billers that use NACHA's increasingly popular electronic check conversion service at lockboxes to notify customers they may opt out of the service. The new rule takes effect June 11. It does not specify …
March, 2004
1 March
Target Will Ditch Its Chip, But Not E-Coupons
Target Corp., which has opened more than 9 million accounts for its cobranded Visa smart card since the program's launch in November 2001, has announced it is shutting down the chip function on the card owing to lack of use. Target said in a statement today the phase-out will begin …
February, 2004
27 February
Information Architects Enters the Biometric Transaction Market
Information Architects Corp., a Fort Lauderdale, Fla.-based provider of Web-based employee-screening technology, has announced it is entering the market for electronic point-of-sale transactions secured by cardholders' fingerprints. The company says it has acquired a U.S. patent (6,270,011 B1) that covers a fingerprint-scanning methodology for credit cards via scanners deployed at …
27 February
First Atlantic Tries to Solve the 3D Secure Cost Issue
With chargeback rates running well in excess of 1% on Internet transactions, Visa International and MasterCard International have for some time been pushing a form of online cardholder authentication, called 3D Secure, that is intended to make cardholders, issuers, acquirers, and merchants feel confident that Web payments are legitimate. But …
26 February
First Data Completes Its Merger with Concord
As expected, First Data Corp. completed its merger today with Concord EFS Inc. in a deal valued at $7 billion, based on the Feb. 25 First Data closing price of $40.79 per share. The acquisition of Concord means the combined company has 30,000 worldwide employees. It expects to take in …
25 February
A Survey Shows How Fears of ID Theft Undermine Web Transactions
A survey of consumers released today reveals that while most say they are more informed about identity theft, they feel no safer from it than they did a year ago, and more consumers are reluctant to give online retailers personal data than was the case last year. The survey of …
24 February
Visa Hikes Credit Card Fees to Blunt AmEx’s Thrust
Visa USA's increase in credit card interchange rates, announced today, are intended to help the giant bank card network keep its members' business in the face of recent efforts by American Express Co. to court banks as issuers of its cards, Visa says. As expected by many observers, Visa today …
23 February
Taco Bueno Signs up for Cards Throughout Its System
Carrollton, Tex.-based Taco Bueno Restaurants Inc. has become the latest quick-service restaurant chain to begin accepting credit and debit cards. Paymentech L.P., a Dallas-based transaction processor owned by First Data Corp. and Bank One, announced today it will provide processing services for card acceptance at all 124 Taco Bueno locations, …
20 February
Star Expects to Beat Check Imaging to the Punch
With its new real-time check-verification and settlement product announced yesterday, Star Systems Inc. will be offering merchants and transaction processors a service that converts paper checks to electronic transactions just as retailers and financial institutions are preparing for the advent of check-imaging technology. Though Maitland, Fla.-based Star, the nation's largest …
20 February
MasterCard Buys TowerGroup to Beef Up Its Research Unit
MasterCard International today announced it is acquiring TowerGroup, the Needham, Mass.-based research firm, from Reuters PLC for an undisclosed price. The 11-year-old TowerGroup, which focuses on payments-technology and financial-services research, will become part of MasterCard Advisors, a subsidiary through which the bank card company operates an existing research and advisory …