Low-hanging fruit it's not, but health care still remains one of the biggest untapped markets for electronic payments. A new report from Celent LLC estimates that $11 billion could be saved by automating just part of the health-care payments process. And a new industry group is forming to marshal the …
November, 2009
27 November
Congress Mulls Alternatives to Unlawful Internet Gambling Ban
Although implementation of the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006 (UIGEA) begins Tuesday, the U.S. House Committee on Financial Services next week will hold a hearing on two bills that would replace or set a new date for implementation of the controversial gambling legislation. A hearing on the new …
25 November
A Proxy Fight Breaks Out at USA Technologies
USA Technologies Inc., the provider of contactless card readers and wireless transaction-processing services for vending machines, laundries and other venues, has become the latest payments-industry tech company whose management finds itself embroiled in a fight with shareholders angry about losses and slumping stock prices. Malvern, Pa.-based USA Technologies sent a …
25 November
How the Rise of Smart Phones Could Unleash a Wave of Fraud
The increasing popularity of smart phones, which has given a big lift this year to consumer adoption of mobile banking and payments, has brought with it an ominous new threat of fraud. Last week, the Dutch security firm XS4All reported on a worm that infects iPhones and allows hackers to …
24 November
As More Banks Fight ID Fraud, Many Still Lag in Alerts, Report Says
U.S. financial institutions have made considerable progress in fighting identity fraud, but still lag in their use of one of the most potent weapons in their arsenal: putting anti-fraud controls in the hands of the consumer. That's according to research released on Tuesday by Javelin Strategy & Research. The Pleasanton, …
23 November
Early Read on the Holidays: Tickets Drop As Transactions Climb
With one week to go until Cyber Monday, the e-commerce equivalent of the day after Thanksgiving in physical stores, the early read on the 2009 e-commerce holiday-shopping season is that it will probably continue 2008's trends. Last year was most notable for its decline in average tickets as consumers put …
23 November
After the GAO Report, Outlook for Interchange Regulation Is Cloudy
The Government Accountability Office's report about interchange came out on Thursday, and every group either for or against the controversial transaction fee has put its own spin on the findings since then. That raises the question of whether Congress will actually take action on three pending interchange bills. Forecasting Congressional …
19 November
Merchant Attrition Is Top Challenge As Acquirers Look Ahead to 2010
Coming off a tough year in 2009, independent sales organizations and other acquirers rank merchant attrition and shrinking margins as their top challenges as they look ahead to next year. Acquirers also rank mobile-related products as their biggest emerging market for next year, while they plan to invest more in …
19 November
Despite the Recession, Online Fraud Takes a Dip in 2009
It often seems impossible to thwart online fraudsters, but e-commerce merchants made headway in the past year, according to CyberSource Corp.'s 11th annual study of e-commerce fraud. For the first time in four years, U.S. and Canadian merchants reported a decline in the average percentage of online revenues lost to …
19 November
Reducing Interchange Would ‘Pose Challenges,’ the GAO Says
If merchants on the one side and bank card issuers and payment card networks on the other were looking for endorsements of their opposing positions about interchange, they didn't get them Thursday when the Government Accountability Office issued a long-awaited report about the controversial fee. The GAO, the investigative arm …