While most of the high-profile data breaches involving card numbers have happened at point-of-sale merchants, consumers continue to express reluctance about entering card information at e-commerce sites. And, for at least some of these sites, such consumer concerns may be justified, according to Nicholas J. Percoco, vice president of consulting …
June, 2008
16 June
Merchants Should Consider Open-Loop Variants to Prepaid Cards
Merchants have embraced prepaid cards, particularly their in-store gift cards, but they could get even more value?and profits?from them by focusing less on breakage and anonymity and more on giving customers cards with more utility that keep track of their spending, according to a researcher who tracks the prepaid industry. …
12 June
How Customer Research Can Sort Out Alternative Payment Choices
Online sellers trying to sort out the plethora of alternative-payments choices?and make decisions regarding which, if any, to accept?should begin by asking questions about what business problems they are trying to solve, a retail executive said at an e-commerce trade show on Wednesday. “Once you understand what problem you're trying …
12 June
Global Security Fears Remain a Drag on Mobile Banking and Payments
Despite intense market-development efforts by tech vendors, processors, and some banks, mobile banking and payments still suffer from consumer distrust, according to results of an international survey released this week by Blue Bell, Pa.-based technology-services provider and server manufacturer Unisys Corp. Unisys, which commissioned a survey of more than 13,000 …
10 June
Online Merchant Counsels Retailers on Controlling Payment Costs
Internet merchants looking to cut their acceptance costs may have more control over this expense than they believe, according to Jon Kuhlmann, managing partner at Grapevinehill Inc., a Danvers, Mass.-based online seller of footwear with $13 million in annual sales. Though all merchants have complained increasingly about the cost of …
10 June
Study: POS Debit Rises, While Consumers Confirm PIN Preference
The use of debit cards for point-of-sale purchases is rising sharply, while cardholders continue to prefer PIN debit over signature debit, according to a study released recently by the Star electronic funds transfer network, a unit of Denver-based First Data Corp. The study is the latest in a series of …
9 June
Security Fears Remain a High Hurdle for New Payments Technologies
Technology's great, but new payments platforms and systems will have to overcome consumers' security fears even if banks, processors, and technology vendors think such fears are overblown. That was one of the messages from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago's 2008 Payments Conference on Friday, a conference specifically devoted to …
9 June
Survey Finds Low Prepaid Market Penetration Among Underbanked
Despite lots of headlines, prepaid cards account for only a small share of payments by underbanked consumers, according to results of a survey released Monday by The Center for Financial Services Innovation, a non-profit affiliate of Chicago-based ShoreBank Corp. The national survey of 2,799 adults age 18 and older and …
5 June
Durbin Adds Senate Bill to House Effort to Rein in Interchange
The other shoe dropped on bank card interchange Thursday afternoon when U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., introduced a companion bill to the Credit Card Fair Fee Act of 2008 pending in the House of Representatives' Judiciary Committee. Durbin's bill, including its name, is nearly identical to the House version introduced …
4 June
How Tyfone Looks to Free Banks from Carriers in Mobile Payments
A provider of mobile-banking and ?payments software has begun promoting a memory card for cell phones that it says could allow financial institutions to move forward with contactless mobile payments without the need to work with wireless carriers. Portland Ore.-based Tyfone Inc., founded four years ago, is testing its Secure …