Thursday , September 19, 2024

Transaction Processing

Valista Breaks into U.S. Web Payments with AOL Premium Content Deal

America Online Inc. will begin offering packages of premium content on its Internet service through new software from Valista Ltd., an Ireland-based payment software company, the companies announced today. The new solution allows AOL to target and price particular packages, or bundles, to particular audiences, with special promotional pricing and …

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VeriFone Teams with McAfee to Offer POS Anti-Virus Software

Responding to a year that has seen a steady barrage of viruses, worms, trojans, and other malicious computer attacks, VeriFone Inc. and McAfee Inc. announced today they will offer the first anti-virus software product to protect point-of-sale terminals linked to the Internet. The software will be available starting early next …

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Celent: Image Exchange Will Nearly Pull the Plug on Check Conversion

Image exchange will account for 93% of all transit checks by 2010, marginalizing what are now some highly popular forms of electronic check conversion, including the fastest-growing form of e-check, account receivable conversion (ARC), according to new projections from Celent Communications. The New York-based research firm says today's nascent image-exchange …

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Criminals Escalate the Phishing War with an Alarming New Weapon

Up to now, phishing schemes only worked if the fraudsters could entice recipients of their e-mail to visit transaction sites tricked up to look like the real thing, such as a fake eBay site or spoofed online banking site. The sites would collect login and other confidential information the criminals …

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Image Exchanges Look to Volume Jumps Now That Check 21 Is Law

The fledgling networks that traffic electronic check images rather than paper checks are looking for bigger volumes now that the Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act, popularly known as Check 21, has finally become law. “Now everyone's jumping on the bandwagon,” says Mark Craig, general manager of Endpoint Exchange, …

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How Metavante Plans to Leverage Its VECTORsgi Deal And Check 21

With the Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act (Check 21) taking effect today, Metavante Corp. hopes to use its latest acquisition in the payments business to help it leverage sales to banks for distributed check capture and move the two national check image exchanges that have gone live so …

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PayPal Continues to Rack up Double-Digit Growth in Accounts

PayPal Inc. may have made headlines last week with its intermittent outages, but third-quarter numbers released this week by its parent company, Internet auction kingpin eBay Inc., show the online payments processor racking up significant growth in accounts, transactions, and dollar volume, while continuing to chop fraud losses. San Jose, …

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Diner’s Club Tops New Test of Credit Card Sites

The Web site for specialty charge card issuer Diner's Club scored 100% reliability and topped a new weekly test of both reliability and response time at nine credit card Web sites. The Diner's site posted a response time of 7.03 seconds, significantly ahead of the second-place site, Capital One (8.20 …

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Metavante Buys the Software Company Behind SVPCo.’s Network

Metavante Corp. continues to pursue an aggressive acquisition strategy in electronic payments with it announcement today that it agreed to buy VECTORsgi, a software company in Addison, Texas, that sells check-imaging software. The acquisition, valued at $100 million in cash plus another $35 million to be paid if certain targets …

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MasterCard Teams with Motorola to Test PayPass for Cell Phones

MasterCard International announced today it will launch pilots of its PayPass electronic payment system on mobile phones from Motorola Inc. The Purchase, N.Y.-based card company says the pilots will get under way at a “variety” of unspecified locations in the U.S by the end of the year. The Motorola phones …

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Digital Transactions