Monday , September 16, 2024

Transaction Processing

Web-Based Drivers’ License Renewal May Be Coming

The state of Washington, home to Microsoft Corp. and and considered one of the most digitally advanced states in the country, has passed the 1 million mark in electronic transactions on its Web site, and plans next to allow citizens to renew their drivers' licenses online. According to an …

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Could Debit Start Trending Toward PINs?

While First Data Corp. vows to contest action by the Department of Justice to stop its acquisition of Concord EFS, industry observers say the Denver-based processing giant may have good reason to fight for a stronger position in the market for debit transactions secured by personal identification numbers. The $7.3 …

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Nation’s First Shared Ticketing Machines Go Live

McCarran International Airport, Las Vegas, has installed and switched on the nation's first ticketing kiosks serving multiple airlines. The airport's initial installation, which cost it about $2 million in hardware and software, includes more than 30 self-service machines at the airport itself and another six hooked up at the Las …

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Microsoft and Vodafone Work to Link PC-Wireless Transactions

Microsoft Corp. and Vodafone Group PLC are working together on technology standards that would allow personal computers to exploit wireless networks for functions ranging from user authentication to payment to text messages. A company that sells online games, for instance, could use the new mobile Web specifications to accept micropayments …

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Behind a Web-Based Network’s Explosive Growth

A Web-based payments transaction processing program has been growing at about 400% annually since it branched out beyond the hospitality industry. When Las Vegas-based Shift4 Corp. developed its $$$ on the Net system for nearby resorts five years ago, the system was designed to allow the hotel, gift shops, casinos, …

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Worries Mount About Touch-Screen Voting

Celebrated movie actor Arnold Schwarzeneggar may have won yesterday’s wild and woolly recall election in California, but a verdict is still pending on the security and reliability of the ATM-like touch-screen voting machines used in four California counties. Some computer scientists and other observers fear the machines are susceptible to …

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Recruiting Bill Payment for Internet Transactions

A new online payment system has been rolled out by a Canadian company that relies on existing bank bill payment services to allow consumers to pay for Internet purchases. Developed by Ottawa, Ont.-based MODAPay, the service has been piloted by all of the top banks in Canada and now is …

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Seeking Security in an Insecure World

The recent hack attacks and assorted computer worms and viruses have transaction executives thinking a lot these days about software security, a subject some experts say is likely to remain vexed. Software, after all, is simply the product of human code-writing. “There’s no such thing as secure software,” declares John …

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Digital Transactions