Wednesday , February 12, 2025

ComScore: Cyber Monday Spending Surpasses $3 Billion as M-Commerce Grows 53%

It looks like Cyber Monday came through for e-commerce payment processors, if the latest spending numbers from comScore Inc. hold true. ComScore reported Wednesday that spending from desktop computers and smart phones and tablets on Nov. 30 hit $3.12 billion, a 21% increase from $2.59 billion on 2014’s Cyber Monday.

Reston, Va.-based comScore, which measures the Internet economy, pegged Cyber Monday desktop online purchases at $2.28 billion, up 12% from $2.04 billion a year earlier. The comScore figures cover non-travel retail purchases from home and work locations, and exclude auctions and large corporate purchases.

Mobile commerce, as comScore predicted last week, boomed, hitting an $838 million, up 53% from 2014’s $548 million, according to the company’s preliminary estimates.

“This marks the first time in history that total digital spend surpassed the $3 billion milestone in a single day,” comScore said in a report.

Some 107.8 million Americans visited online retailers on Monday via desktop computers or mobile devices, according to comScore. Inc.’s was the most-visited site, followed by, in order, Wal-Mart, eBay, Target and Best Buy. ComScore did not divulge numbers for the individual retailers.

“Cyber Monday maintained its reputation as the most important online spending day of year, exceeding $3 billion in total digital spending and once again becoming the heaviest online spending day of all-time,” comScore chairman emeritus Gian Fulgoni said in the report. “Despite some talk of Cyber Monday declining in importance, the day’s historical highs and continued strong growth rates confirm it is still a hugely important shopping event.”

For all of November, comScore estimated online desktop spending at $27.9 billion, up 6% from $26.3 billion a year earlier. A comparable figure for mobile spending was unavailable.


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