Wednesday , March 26, 2025

Earn 36x Upfront with NAB’s BIGGEST Residual Buyout Offer Ever!

Thinking of cashing in on some of your residuals to get capital? Worried about how the uncertainty of potential administration changes in Washington could impact your bottom line? Inching closer towards retirement? No matter what your reasons, now is the perfect time to cash in on your portfolio. That’s because payments technology leader North American Bancard is currently offering its biggest upfront residual buyout offer ever!

Here’s how it works: Now through the end of 2020, NAB will purchase the first 50% of your existing residuals at a whopping 36x their current value — that’s 20% higher than any residual buyout offer we have ever made before. If you’re serious about accelerating your cash flow, there has never been a better time than right now. We’ll even buy residuals you have with other ISOs and processors. Qualifying for our 36x Residual Buyout Offer Program is easy: Most importantly, deals need to be signed and funded in the calendar year 2020.

Here’s how the program works: Let’s say you have $20,000 in residuals and we purchase the first 50% — that’s $360,000 in your pocket right now. You can then use that money to:

  • Invest in your business.
  • Hire more sales reps.
  • Generate more leads.
  • Pay down debt.
  • Put towards retirement or whatever else you like.

You can even get an additional 36x annually on the growth of your portfolio over the first 3 years after you participate in this offer! Meanwhile you’ll also continue to earn on the 50% of your residuals that you keep. You’ll have to act fast, however, as this limited-time offer ends when the ball drops on December 31st, 2020.

Not already an NAB Sales Partner? Become one today and you’ll also be able to:

  • Build your brand with our award winning Registered DBA and ISO Programs.
  • Take your earning potential to new heights with our Peak Bonus Program, featuring $500 Activation Bonuses, 14x Profitability Multipliers, and residuals paid on the 15th of every month.
  • Offer Flat Rate Pricing and Cash Discount with our innovative Edge Program.
  • Seamlessly manage your merchants and your portfolio with our state-of-the-art Sales Partner and Device Portals.
  • Open up more sales channels by offering seamless integration to seven, full-featured payment gateways, including Authorize.Net® and USAePay.
  • Offer the perfect payment device to every merchant with our full lineup of fashionable and functional Payanywhere Smart Solutions, as well as our numerous point-of-sale integration partners.

Ready to cash in on the biggest residual buyout offer in North American Bancard’s 28-year history? To learn more about NAB and how partnering with us can help you grow your current merchant relationships, open up new sales channels, and power your portfolio, call 877.791.1352 or visit

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