Thursday , March 13, 2025

Level the card-fee playing field with dual pricing

Paying with a card is very popular with consumers. They love the convenience and security of not carrying cash. For merchants, however, these payments come with a price: Processing fees. Getting paid with plastic often means merchants have to pass that expense on to their consumers. Even with low-rate accounts, the card processing costs get passed on to cash-paying patrons — without them reaping the rewards that so many credit card companies provide.

Doesn’t seem fair, does it? That’s why North offers the Edge Dual Pricing Program.

How dual pricing works.

Edge combines a cash discount with flat rate pricing for card transactions. That means your merchants get one low rate when a customer pays with a card — and they can pass along a special discount to those who pay with cash. Credit card customers are charged a small extra percentage, while cash customers do not pay it.

On top of that, Edge does away with contracts and monthly fees — and the program also offers free hardware placement options. Dual pricing, dual benefits.

It’s not just for gas stations: Edge benefits everyone.

We all want a fair deal when we buy something. With dual pricing, those who choose to pay with cash receive a price advantage while merchants gain the benefit of immediate income — no waiting to get paid. They also avoid paying card fees.

In the big picture, customers get freedom of choice; They can pay the way they want. Bonus points: Your merchants don’t have to raise their prices to even the score between card payments and cash payments.

How to implement dual pricing.

North is always available to answer any questions you might have about getting merchants started with the Edge Dual Pricing Program. There are a few guidelines that are required once you’ve decided the program is the right fit.

  • Clear, correct signage must be posted explaining to customers what dual pricing does. A best practice is to have them at the entrances and checkout areas. North will even provide signage.
  • Customer receipts need to display the base amount of the transaction, the cash discount, and the total cost that was charged, based on the customer’s choice of payment method.
  • Tags on items must display both the cash and credit price — just as a gas station does on their per-gallon signage.

An important thing to note about the additional fee for card purchases: It isn’t a surcharge for credit customers (which is actually illegal in 10 states) it’s a legal incentive for cash-paying consumers.

Do away with fees eating into profits. If your merchants routinely see customers paying with cash, dual pricing may be just the ticket to even out costs. Give customers flexibility and freedom of choice. If they want cash-free convenience, it comes at a small price. Meanwhile, those carrying folding money in their pockets get a discount reward for doing so — at no extra cost to your merchants.

Edge Dual Pricing levels the purchasing field for everyone.

Want more information? Call 888.229.5229 for details.

Average ticket and merchant classification restrictions apply. Only compatible with certain terminals and EPX processing. Additional fees apply. The program not available for Canadian merchants. Dual signage pricing required. Contact us for more details.


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