Saturday , September 7, 2024

Search Results for: durbin amendment

In an Open Letter, Debit Networks Reject MasterCard’s EMV-Durbin Solution

  It took less than two weeks for the Secure Remote Payment Council (SRPc), a consortium of U.S. electronic funds transfer networks, to reject MasterCard Inc.’s offer for EFT networks to use its proprietary Maestro application identifier (AID) to allow processors to route EMV debit transactions according to network choices …

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New Assessment of Durbin’s Effects Warns Fixed Network Fees Could Crimp Competition

A sweeping review by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City of the Durbin Amendment’s effects warns that competition could be harmed if more payment card networks adopt fixed-pricing plans as they compete for merchant business in the newly regulated debit card environment. The new report is the first of …

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MasterCard Proposes a Durbin Solution for EMV, But Will EFT Execs Buy It?

MasterCard Inc. on Friday proposed a solution that it says would allow merchant acquirers to route EMV debit transactions in compliance with a federal law mandating that merchants have a choice of networks. Under the proposal, MasterCard would open a proprietary application identifier (AID) associated with its Maestro brand to …

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Merchant, Credit Union Trade Groups Exchange Salvos Over Durbin’s Small-Issuer Impact

Have the Durbin Amendment’s interchange restrictions cut into debit card revenue at the nation’s smaller financial institutions? In the wake of a spin war touched off on Monday by a merchant-controlled lobbying group, the answer appears to be: It depends on whom you ask. Monday morning, the Washington, D.C.-based Merchants …

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As EMV-Debit-Durbin Problem Festers, a Solution May Be on Its Way

A knotty problem involving the EMV chip card standard, debit card transaction routing, and the Durbin Amendment may take a crucial step toward resolution next month when the country’s two largest card networks are expected to indicate whether they will support a potential solution proposed by a debit-network group, according …

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A Parking Processor Gets into a Political Fender-Bender with Sen. Durbin

A 13-cent fee increase from Parkmobile USA Inc., a specialty payments processor for parking providers and municipalities, drew heavy fire last week from U.S. Sen. Richard Durbin, chief sponsor of the Durbin Amendment in 2010’s Dodd-Frank Act that imposed price controls on most debit card transactions. The brouhaha is the …

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Debit Card Rewards Hang Tough After One Year of Durbin Interchange Caps

The obituaries for debit card rewards may be premature. Of the 100 largest issuers of debit cards ranked by debit purchase volume, 37 now offer a rewards program, down from 52 three years ago. But 19 issuers with $10 billion or more in assets still offer a program, despite a …

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On One-Year Anniversary, Heartland Says ‘Durbin Dollars’ Helping Merchants, Consumers

Almost universally derided by banks and payment card networks, the Durbin Amendment debit card interchange price controls that took effect a year ago Monday have received mixed reviews from merchant acquirers. But one big acquirer that made Durbin a key part of its sales and retention efforts early on, Heartland …

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Retailers Prepare To Argue for a Rewrite of Debit Rules While Durbin Spars With Bankers

You’d almost think it was 2010 all over again, given the current fights about the Durbin Amendment, the section of that year’s Dodd-Frank Act that regulates debit card interchange and transaction routing. Oral arguments are set for Oct. 3 in a retailer lawsuit that seeks to have a court order …

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Looking to Compensate for Durbin Losses, Banks Hike ATM, NSF, Account Fees

In what appears to be a continuing case of revenue recovery in one area when another one gets tight, financial institutions are continuing to raise ATM fees, some to record levels, according to Bankrate Inc.’s latest annual survey of bank fees. The North Palm Beach, Fla.-based provider of financial information …

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