Thursday , September 19, 2024

Search Results for: cash back

Acquiring: The Allure of Private-Label Terminals

Peter Lucas Acquirers routinely lose merchants lured away by offers of lower-cost processing. Result? More acquirers are marketing their own branded POS terminals as a way to boost retention. Ask a merchant acquirer how much it charges a retailer for a point-of-sale terminal and the frequent response is that it’s …

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Acquiring: Looking Overseas for Growth

Karen Epper Hoffman Economic crises notwithstanding, U.S. payments companies are finding growth potential in Europe, South America, and Asia in traditional services and new niche offerings alike. Despite the seemingly constant stream of bad news about the potential collapse of the euro, economic crises throughout most of Europe, and faltering …

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Opinion & Analysis: The Great Mobile Alliance

Steve Mott Banks and merchants aren’t natural enemies—they’re only set at odds by the distortions created by the current payments system. In fact, most banks and retailers have much to gain, and little to lose, by working together on a new system built on mobile payments and marketing. (Editor’s note: …

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M-Commerce: Mobile Warming

Peter Lucas Time was, mobile payments was mostly talk. No more. Now, with new features, pricing, and promotion, some providers are pumping out real transaction volume. For months, payments executives have been reading about digital wallets and acceptance applications from some of the biggest names in the business, including Visa …

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Security Notes: The Tyranny of Critical Mass

Gideon Samid • A timely article in the May issue of this magazine, “Why Payments Startups Fail,” points out that the hurdle of critical mass has doomed many novel payment systems. The article argues that critical mass is necessary for success, but the downside is that it can lead …

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Marketing: The Premature Obituary for Debit Rewards

Jane Adler Durbin’s cap on interchange for big banks was supposed to be the death knell for debit card rewards. Instead, rewards programs are flourishing, albeit with a few twists. “Relationship rewards,” anyone? After caps on debit card interchange rates went into effect last fall, KeyBank took a contrarian approach. …

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Trends & Tactics: Prepaid Cards Help Fill a Growing Void

Quick—which of these five common financial products was the only one to grow last year: credit cards, debit cards, prepaid cards, checking accounts, or personal savings accounts? If you answered “prepaid cards,” give yourself a gold star. New research from Javelin Strategy & Research says fewer consumers in 2011 reported …

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Cover Story

Annual Field Guide to Alternative Payments You’ll need a fair amount of memory on your hard drive to keep track of all the comings and goings in the bubbling world of alternative payments. By now, our Field Guide to Alternative Payments needs no introduction. It’s one of our most popular …

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Strategies: Why Payments Startups Fail

Eric Grover Low acceptance costs, convenience, and security aren’t enough. As this global review of would-be PayPals and Visas shows, startups need a clear path to a mass of users. With the advent of mobile payments, we read almost daily about new payments startups. And this avalanche of startups follows …

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Trends & Tactics

  PayPal’s Triangulation Strategy   It was Visa Inc. that popularized “It’s Everywhere You Want To Be” as its slogan years ago, but these days it appears to be PayPal Inc. that’s living up to the old tagline.   First, the San Jose, Calif.-based eBay Inc. unit established itself as …

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Digital Transactions