Friday , September 20, 2024

Search Results for: merchant statements

Security Notes: The Real Cure for Payment Friction

Remember the good old days, when you tossed a quarter into the peddler’s jar and picked up the daily paper in the train station? Now that was frictionless. You did not know the peddler. He had no clue who you were. You did not receive any paperwork: no invoice, no …

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The Rise of Chargebacks

  Did you know that the typical business will only hear from around 4 percent of their unsatisfied customers? That leaves the remaining 96 percent with the potential to file a chargeback against a merchant’s business, negatively impacting their bottom line. The ability to maintain positive cash flow is one …

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Processing Execs Push ISOs to Adopt New Thinking on Topics From Pricing to Technology

A panel of processing executives on Thursday sought to shake an audience of merchant-sales representatives out of traditional ways of thinking about critical matters ranging from pricing to new technology. In some cases, years-old tactics came under attack. “How many of you are giving a free terminal away and competing …

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Tripling in One Year, Visa Chip Card Transactions Surpass 1 Billion in March

The seemingly plodding U.S. migration to the EMV chip card standard may not be so plodding after all. Visa Inc., in data released Friday, says consumers made 1 billion Visa chip card transactions in March, a tripling of the 303.3 million in March 2016. The number of transactions has steadily …

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Simple Yet Complex

While simple to merchants and consumers, the rapidly growing payment-facilitator model involves multiple considerations for developers and acquirers. Some of the best ideas in payments come around only once, but many, such as the payment-facilitator model, come around again when they better suit merchants and the payments industry. To put …

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Assessing a Decade of PCI

Controversial from the start, the PCI Council faces a vastly changed security landscape from the one it confronted when it was born 10 years ago. Mobile payments, tokenization, and the growth of tech startups are new elements on the payments scene, but data breaches still abound, much as they did …

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NRF: Consumers Support Debit Card Interchange Cap

How do consumers feel about payment card acceptance costs, often referred to as “swipe fees”? According to a recent National Retail Federation survey, consumers want the existing debit card interchange price cap to continue, and they want credit card pricing to benefit them and merchants as opposed to “credit card …

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COMMENTARY: Helping Banks Deliver a U.S. Real-Time Payments Scheme

Real-time payments have existed in various models for a long time. In fact, they’re probably most familiar to consumers as card payments, something that has been embedded in consumer culture for decades. However, in the United States, the development of real-time payments has lagged behind some areas of the world, a …

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Payments up Your Sleeve

Players from Apple to Bulgari to multiple startups are embedding payments into rings, watches, even clothing, and now Visa and MasterCard are building platforms to run the transactions. But getting the right fit might take a while. Consumers who own wearable technology feel a deep connection to their device. An …

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Risky Business

Courting and retaining high-risk merchants can yield high returns. But it’s a lot of work. It’s no simple task, but one that can yield enviable returns. Finding the profit in high-risk merchants requires diligence, a knack for customer service, and a commitment to thoroughness. It also requires deep knowledge of …

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Digital Transactions