Sunday , September 29, 2024

Search Results for: pay by link

Amazon’s PayPhrase Cuts Cart Abandonment for eFashionSolutions

It's too early to make a final judgment, but a Web-site design and hosting company serving 25 online fashion retailers says acceptance of Inc.'s new PayPhrase is doing one of the key things online retailers want a payment service to do?reduce shopping-cart abandonment. Secaucus, N.J.-based eFashionSolutions LLC is one …

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With Payments a Big Part of Health-Care Costs, Automation Efforts Arise

Low-hanging fruit it's not, but health care still remains one of the biggest untapped markets for electronic payments. A new report from Celent LLC estimates that $11 billion could be saved by automating just part of the health-care payments process. And a new industry group is forming to marshal the …

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Payvment Uses a PayPal API to Launch a Next-Gen Shopping Cart

In a move that could change the way consumers shop and pay on the Web, a startup called Payvment is marketing a free shopping cart that lets online shoppers accumulate merchandise from a variety of Web sites?including Facebook?and then pay for all of it with a single checkout. “We call …

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PayPal’s Push into E-Commerce Spurs New Funding Options

PayPal Inc. this week introduced new funding options that allow users to load money into their PayPal accounts with PIN debit cards or with cash, then use the funds to buy products online. PayPal's deal with First Data Corp., owner of the Star electronic funds transfer network, was announced Thursday …

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New Intuit Payment Service Could Vie for Consumer Transactions

Intuit Inc. has quietly introduced an online-payment product that may be aimed initially at small businesses looking for ways to let other businesses pay them electronically, but could move into consumer payments later on. The new service, called Intuit PaymentNetwork, charges a flat 50 cents per transaction, with no set-up …

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Zong’s Growth Heats up Rivalry in Mobile Payments for Downloads

If mobile-payments services are finding a niche anywhere right now, it appears to be in the market for digital goods like games and social-network applications. Palo Alto, Calf.-based Zong Inc., which began operations last year, announced this week that the processing platform it shares with its parent company, Echovox Inc., …

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Eye on Mobile Payments: Intuit, Bango Launch Card Services

Intuit Inc. on Thursday entered the race to sign up plumbers, carpet cleaners, delivery people, and other small on-the-go merchants for card acceptance. The Mountain View, Calif.-based vendor of the popular QuickBooks accounting program rolled out a product, called GoPayment, that works on mobile phones but doesn't require other hardware, …

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Visa’s payWave Platform Connects with the Vending Machine Market

Contactless payments took another incremental step recently when USA Technologies Inc. struck an agreement with Visa Inc. under which Visa will subsidize the deployment of up to 4,000 of USA Technologies' card-accepting devices for vending machines. The agreement, potentially worth $800,000, is significant because it is the first between Visa …

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Fraudsters Beef up Attacks on Checks As the ‘Weakest Link’

Check volumes may be declining, but check-related crime remains by far the most common type of payment fraud reported by corporate financial officers. What's more, while overall losses still remain small, fraud attempts increased last year and the recession could be a cause, according to the Association for Financial Professionals. …

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Contactless Stickers for Cell Phones Move onto Payments Networks

First Data Corp. announced on Tuesday it will use technology from Inside Contactless, a French chipmaker, for its Go-Tag product, a sticker that can be affixed to mobile phones to make them work like contactless-payment devices. Under the three-year agreement, Inside Contactless will supply so-called prelams, or chip-and-antenna elements, that …

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