Thursday , October 24, 2024

Search Results for: apple pay

Did Spies Secretly Steal Chip Producer Gemalto’s Electronic Keys?

By Digital Transactions News Staff Gemalto NV, one of the largest manufacturers of SIM cards for mobile phones and a key vendor for U.S. payment card producers as the nation converts to the EMV chip card standard, suddenly has found itself in the middle of a spy scandal involving the …

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Merchants Worldwide Are Installing More Contactless Terminals—And Turning on NFC

With technologies like Apple Pay and host card emulation reviving prospects for mobile payments using near-field communication, merchants are starting to install more NFC devices at the point of sale. And, more important, they’re starting to turn on the NFC capability. That’s according to a report issued Tuesday by Berg …

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Once They Use It, Consumers Favor NFC Over QR Codes, NFC Forum Survey Says

More consumers are satisfied using near-field communications (NFC) technology with their smart phones than express the same satisfaction using Quick Response codes, finds a survey by Strategy Analytics Inc., a Boston-based consulting firm. In the survey, commissioned by NFC advocate group NFC Forum, 76% of consumers said they were satisfied …

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Retailers Rank Security As Top Concern, While More Than One-Third Plan to Add NFC

Payments security is the top concern of retailers in 2015, finds a Boston Retail Partners report. This comes as retailers contend with increased scrutiny of their data-protection practices and a sweeping transformation of the U.S. payment card system. In the survey of more than 500 retailers, 63% cited payment security …

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Five Tests for Innovation

Payments 3.0 One thing about the future of payments is assured: The flood of new payments-system ideas won’t slow. This is due to the convergence of four developments in the payments ecology: 1. Software-development tech­nology that allows anyone to code a new payments system; 2. The ability of apps to …

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A Contact Sport

Hoping for contactless chip cards? Not likely any time soon. The contact version of EMV is emerging as the clear issuer choice as October’s liability shift approaches. Here’s why. It’s show time for chip cards. With the payment card networks’ so-called liability shift now just eight months away, U.S. general-purpose …

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No Argument Here: Younger Consumers More Likely To Use Mobile Wallets

Twice as many 18-to-34 years old consumers, 32%, are likely to use mobile wallets like Apple Pay or Google Wallet as those 35 and older (16%), according to a survey of more than 900 adults by Fair Isaac Corp. That divide is even more pronounced among respondents 50 years or …

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Inexperience Plus Product Restrictions Likely Killed Amazon Wallet, Analysts Say

The newness of mobile payments likely was a contributing factor to Inc.’s decision this week to pull the plug on its six-month-old Amazon Wallet. That’s the theory suggested by Brian Kilcourse, managing partner at RSR Research LLC, a Miami-based retail advisory firm. launched Amazon Wallet in July, selling …

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U.S. Card Producers Prepare To Crank Out EMV Cards in Big Numbers

By Jim Daly U.S. credit and debit card issuers will be mailing hundreds of millions of Europay-MasterCard-Visa (EMV) chip cards to their customers this year and next now that the payment card networks’ EMV liability shift looms just eight months away. Estimates about chip card issuance vary, but all involve …

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New Verifone mPOS Device, Android Tablet Among Flurry of NRF Announcements

Several payments-industry vendors are making product and services announcements in conjunction with the National Retail Federation’s annual Big Show convention this week in New York. Verifone unveiled the PayWare Mobile e355, a mobile point-of-sale terminal that accepts magnetic stripe, near-field communication (NFC), Europay-MasterCard-Visa (EMV), and Apple Pay transactions. Available in …

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