Sunday , September 29, 2024

Search Results for: account verification

Consumers Seek Online Payments Security Assurances: Survey

As online shopping continues to grow, consumer anxiety about the security of the payment card credentials on e-commerce sites remains a top concern. Some 48% of consumers want more assurances about their online shopping security, finds a survey released Wednesday by Tender Armor. The survey of more than 1,000 consumers, …

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A New Norm

  Semi-integrated POS systems are quickly becoming a preferred option for acquirers and merchants. Among the many outcomes stemming from the U.S. payment card industry’s burgeoning migration to the EMV chip card standard is the rise of semi-integrated point-of-sale systems, which enable merchants to use sophisticated POS software without worrying …

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Mobile’s Bigger Role in Payments Offers Data With Dual Benefits for Combating Fraud

Acquirers and financial institutions can put consumer and merchant affinity for smart phones to work for them when trying to comply with anti-money-laundering and know-your-customer regulations. Smart-phone activity, whether it’s purchasing behavior, location habits, or personally identifiable information associated with the wireless carrier account, can be used to vet the …

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Vantiv Exec Warns About E-Commerce Declines As EMV Cards Proliferate

  The U.S. payments industry’s transition to EMV chip cards has produced a number of side issues, but few may be more pressing for card-not-present merchants than the failed authorizations caused by the ongoing replacement of as many as 1.6 billion credit and debit cards. The new EMV cards carry …

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Universal Card Coin Faces a Lawsuit Over Alleged Misrepresentations

The prospect of ubiquitous merchant acceptance and the ability to carry just one card in lieu of several was too much of a promise, alleges a lawsuit filed last week against Coin Inc., a startup offering a universal card service. Filed on behalf of two consumers who each purchased a …

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Eye on Fraud: EMV Spurs Fraud Increase, Says Javelin; Landry’s Reports a POS System Breach

A new report finds that fraud activity is surging, while Landry’s Inc. says it has uncovered malware on its point-of-sale system and removed it. Identify fraud is on the rise, finds the 2016 Identity Fraud Study released Tuesday by Javelin Strategy & Research. The Pleasanton, Calif.-based research firm found that …

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The $8 Billion Problem

  Card-not-present fraud isn’t the only looming threat for payments providers and merchants. Account-takeover losses are also set to take off. As criminals find it easy and affordable to use the Internet to obtain millions of pieces of personally identifiable information about consumers, the prospects of greater fraud overall are …

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The $8 Billion Problem

Card-not-present fraud isnäó»t the only looming threat for payments providers and merchants. Account-takeover losses are also set to take off. As criminals find it easy and affordable to use the Internet to obtain millions of pieces of personally identifiable information about consumers, the prospects of greater fraud overall are high. …

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More Mobile Payments This Year Will Likely Mean More Fraud Potential, FICO Warns

To the extent there is greater mobile-payments use among merchants and consumers this year, that increase will likely bring with it a greater potential for fraud. That’s the cautionary note from Fair Isaac Corp. executive T.J. Horan, vice president of fraud solutions at the analytics-software company. In-store mobile payments will …

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Guarding the Online Channel

If history is any guide, card-not-present fraud will spike now that EMV has officially arrived in the United States. Can a growing array of fraud-prevention technologies stem the tide? When it comes to plying their deceptive trade, fraudsters exploit the weakest link in the security chain. With the EMV chip …

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Digital Transactions