Saturday , September 21, 2024

Search Results for: retail

Green Dot Announces New Distribution, Marketing Deals for GoBank, Prepaid Cards

Fresh from the launch of its GoBank mobile-banking product, Green Dot Corp. on Tuesday announced new marketing and distribution deals not only for GoBank but also for its core prepaid card program. Green Dot cards will be sold through 20,000 more retail stores, including locations belonging to Dollar Tree, Dollar …

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Wide-Ranging Hacker Indictment Casts New Light on Some Notorious Breaches

A federal indictment announced on Thursday against four Russians and a Ukrainian man casts new light on some of the biggest breaches of payment card data in recent years. The defendants, affiliated with notorious computer hacker Albert Gonzalez, who is serving a 20-year prison sentence but named as one of …

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Debit Networks Offer EMV Compromise That Would Allow Visa, MasterCard Apps

A trade group representing most of the nation’s debit networks has agreed to allow EMV applications other than its own to work on chip cards in the United States. The new position taken by the Secure Remote Payment Council represents what the group calls a “major compromise” and opens the …

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Tribunal Rejects Canadian Merchants’ Pleas To Loosen Network Card-Acceptance Rules

Visa Inc., MasterCard Inc., and their Canadian credit card issuers dodged a legal bullet Tuesday when Canada’s Competition Tribunal refused to quash network rules designed to protect cards from being undercut by merchants seeking lower-cost payment forms. Instead, the tribunal suggested that changing the law was the way for merchants …

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With Discover Link Active, eBay Boss Says PayPal Seeking to ‘Build Out’ POS ‘Ubiquity’

PayPal Inc.’s point-of-sale initiative, which has seen the e-commerce processor penetrate thousands of stores while stirring controversy with at least some incumbent processors, will focus on achieving “ubiquity” and solving consumer “pain points” for the next several years, eBay Inc.’s chief executive said on Wednesday. The initiative, which began early …

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With EMV Looming, Fears of Rising Online Fraud Will Drive Biometrics, Expert Says

Biometric authentication will be in widespread use by financial institutions and online merchants by 2015, a payments-security expert predicts. “We’re at the threshold, it’s going to be common in the next year or so,” Al Pascual, a senior analyst at Javelin Strategy & Research, tells Digital Transactions News. Pascual forecasts …

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New Consensus on Debit Routing Removes EMV Obstacle But Leaves Timing Unclear

The payments industry may have solved a vexing problem related to EMV chip cards and the Dodd-Frank Act’s Durbin Amendment, but whether that solution will smooth the way for EMV (Europay-MasterCard-Visa) deployment in the United States is less clear. The EMV Migration Forum, an industry group that has been working …

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PAI Sticks To Its Guns in Serving Firearms Merchants As Square Walks Away

Sometimes news developments turn certain types of merchants into public-relations and political hot potatoes for their payment processors, forcing merchant acquirers to decide whether they want to continue serving them. Despite strong sales, firearms merchants are one such category today, thanks to several mass shootings in the past two years, …

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The Gimlet Eye: We’ve Heard This Song Before

No sooner had Charlie Scharf taken over at Visa Inc. than he was making nice to retailers. The new chief executive, surveying a history of frayed relations between card networks and merchants, spoke at Visa’s Investor Day conference early last month about building new bridges between the two camps. He …

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Trends & Tactics

Settlement? What Settlement? Who said the proposed settlement of a massive court case involving interchange unveiled in July 2012 would put to rest the decades-old dispute between merchants and the bank card networks over card-acceptance costs? Beginning just before Memorial Day, partisans filed three interchange-related lawsuits in less than a …

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