Saturday , September 21, 2024

Search Results for: retail

MCX Merchants Stress Unity, Commitment to Homegrown Mobile Payments

The retailers behind the Merchant Customer Exchange (MCX) mobile-payments initiative are united in backing the effort and remain committed to supporting only MCX for mobile payments in their stores, retail executives said during a panel discussion this week. While details surrounding how customers will use the yet-to-be-launched MCX and how …

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Isis Launches with Nearly 1,000 Merchant Locations, Nine Smart Phones

The carrier-backed Isis mobile-payment service debuted in a low-key launch Monday in Austin, Texas, and Salt Lake City with almost 1,000 merchant locations participating and its near-field communication (NFC) system workable on nine smart-phone models. Digital Transactions News counted 493 merchant locations in the Salt Lake area and 470 in Austin, for …

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With Isis Finally Launching Its Two-City Pilot, Consumers Get a Chance To Decide Its Fate

It looks like it’s finally going to happen. The much-anticipated, much- delayed Isis mobile-payment venture backed by three big telecommunications companies is scheduled to go live on Monday in its test cities of Austin, Texas, and Salt Lake City. Now the ultimate consumers of the new system, mobile-phone users, will …

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PayPal Now Aims for Consumer Awareness of Its Expanding Merchant Presence

With its “PayPal Offline” initiative to sign point-of-sale merchants for PayPal acceptance well under way, the payments subsidiary of eBay Inc. now is turning its attention to consumers, eBay executives told analysts on Wednesday. “PayPal intends to be everywhere consumers need an easy, safe, secure way to pay,” eBay president …

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P2P Momentum Picks up Steam in Tandem with Nascent Real-Time Settlement Trend

The market for person-to-person payments, which has percolated on low heat for several years, is showing signs of turning up the temperature. As an example of how far the market has come, the two major P2P payments networks, Fiserv Inc.’s Popmoney and clearXchange, a system unveiled last year by Bank …

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Mobile Can Generate Wide Range of Fees for Banks on New Services, Speakers Say

It’s time for bankers to stop looking at mobile technology merely as a cost cutter and start using it to make money, said speakers at a retail-banking technology conference on Tuesday. Banks that add a variety of new services to their mobile offerings ranging from in-store bar-code scanning to expedited …

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Groupon Supplements Its New Payment Service With the iPad-based Breadcrumb System

  n Online daily-deal leader Groupon Inc. followed up on its big payments announcement of last month with Wednesday’s national rollout of its Breadcrumb service, a point-of-sale system for restaurants, cafes, and bars centered on Apple Inc.’s iPad tablet computer. n Breadcrumb itself is not a payments service, but is …

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M-Commerce: Stop Pushing Payments. Start Building Commerce

Why aren’t consumers all that excited about mobile payments? Maybe it’s because providers are focusing on payments when what consumers want is a lot broader than that. Call it an Integrated App. By René M. Pelegero Remember the days when we had to look at newspapers to find out which …

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AmEx And Wal-Mart Pursue the ‘Unhappily Banked’ with Their New Bluebird Prepaid Card

In a play for the business of what an American Express Co. executive calls “the unhappily banked,” AmEx and Wal-Mart Stores Inc. on Monday introduced their Bluebird prepaid card for U.S. customers of the world’s largest retailer. The card not only expands the consumer markets that AmEx, normally associated with …

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Wal-Mart Just One of Many Merchants Behind MCX, Best Buy Exec Says

Merchant Customer Exchange, the planned mobile-payments network by and for retailers, is more than an interchange play controlled by Wal-Mart Stores Inc., according to an executive whose company is represented on the nascent network’s board of directors. Stephanie Swain, senior director of financial services at electronics retailer Best Buy Co. …

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