Saturday , September 21, 2024

Search Results for: retail

Components: Mobile Payments in Code

  Barcodes for payments by smart phone have a proven track record and a diverse group of supporters, but many in the payments industry regard them as merely a way station on the road NFC-based mobile payments. Here’s where they stand today. By Jim Daly Sure, the techies and lots …

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Online Travel Agencies Big Fraud Targets, But Losses Lower Than All Travel Sites

Online travel agencies are well-known fraud targets, and now new data from CyberSource Corp. suggest that fraudsters make more attempts against them than other sectors of the travel industry. But the data also show that the so-called OTAs’ fraud losses as a percentage of revenue are actually less than elsewhere …

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Groupon Deal for FeeFighters Points up Rewards Brokers’ Need for Acquiring Ties

Groupon Inc.’s acquisition of a Web site that lets processors bid for merchant contracts represents a big opportunity for the online rewards giant but also underscores the dependence of such services on the merchant-acquiring business, a researcher who follows acquiring says. In the deal, announced on Friday, Groupon bought FeeFighters, …

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Bill Payments by Paper Check Fade As ACH Bill Pay Continues Its Growth Spurt

New data from automated clearing house governing body NACHA reaffirm the continuing gains of electronic bill payment and the long-term decline in consumer check writing to pay bills. NACHA’s report for 2011’s fourth quarter says that transactions under the so-called WEB standard entry class code for Internet bill-payment debits grew …

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PayPal Announces a Merchant-Acceptance App That Goes Beyond Cards

The news leaked earlier this week, but PayPal confirmed on Thursday it has created a mobile-acceptance product to compete with the myriad such services already on the market from hardware and software companies, as well as merchant processors. Still, PayPal’s product, called PayPal Here, may stand out from the crowd …

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Why Durbin May Prove To Be a Prepaid Blessing for AmEx And Discover

With banks struggling to find their way in the new Durbin era that puts controls on their debit and prepaid card operations, the door is opening wider for American Express Co. and Discover Financial Services to win new prepaid card business, according to two attorneys familiar with payment card interchange …

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PayPal Lifts the Curtain on an Overhauled Wallet As Rumors Swirl About a Mobile Dongle

With rumors swirling that it is close to launching a mobile-acceptance device for small merchants, PayPal Inc. on Tuesday unveiled a digital wallet that offers a raft of new features at a time when major rivals like Google Inc. and Visa Inc. are introducing new wallets. PayPal’s product, which it …

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VeriFone Isn’t Losing Sleep Over Competition From Upstart Square

n n Competition from Square? No problem, according to VeriFone Systems Inc. chief executive Douglas G. Bergeron. n “We’ve had competitors for 30 years,” Bergeron said in response to an analyst’s inquiry about how he sees the competitive risk to VeriFone, the leading U.S.-based point-of-sale terminal maker, from Square Inc., …

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The Gimlet Eye: Who Controls Consumer Payments?

The question posed in our headline this month is one we used to lead off our cover story last October, “Merchants Zero in on Payments.” At the time, merchants were fresh off a signal victory over the banks and the networks in a bruising Congressional battle over debit card interchange, …

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Trends & Tactics

A Look at Durbin’s Early Impact Things went pretty much according to script in the first three months of Durbin Amendment debit card price controls. Debit market leader Visa Inc. got dented while MasterCard Inc. picked up speed. Visa chairman and chief executive Joseph Saunders predicted that the slowdown Visa’s …

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