Sunday , September 29, 2024

Search Results for: pay by link

Supreme Court Divided on Surcharge Case Merits and other Digital Transactions News briefs

• The U.S. Supreme Court seems divided over whether New York’s ban on credit card surcharges is a form of speech regulation as a group of merchants challenging the state’s anti-surcharge law assert, Reuters reported. The National Retail Federation said the case is about “being able to show the cost of using …

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The ETA Names 2017 Board Members and other Digital Transactions News briefs

• The Electronic Transactions Association announced its 2017 board of directors and officers, including Jeff Sloan, CEO of merchant processor Global Payments Inc., as chairman and president. An Apple Inc. executive also is serving a two-year term on the board—Eric Hoffman, director of Internet software and services. • The Federal Trade Commission is challenging the public …

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Harbortouch Releases Spa & Salon POS Service and other Digital Transactions News briefs

• Microsoft Corp. has made further details available about Web Payments, a feature it announced last month it is introducing for both Windows 10 PCs and Windows 10 Mobile. The feature will work with the Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome browsers and will allow Microsoft Wallet users to more easily make purchases on …

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Why Visa And Mastercard Are Playing Ball on Tokens

Since 2014, Visa Inc. has been tokenizing Visa-branded payment cards and Mastercard Inc. has been tokenizing Mastercard-branded cards, but neither network has had access to tokens for cards branded by the other network. Now, that’s about to change. Under an agreement announced last month by Visa and Mastercard, Visa will …

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The Age of Bots

They sell products, answer questions, and take payments in a process called conversational commerce. Just how much potential do chatbots really have? It’s been one of those days. You could use a drink. But you’re traveling on business, and you’re not sure where the local bars are. And you’re not …

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A Robotic Shopping Cart and other Digital Transactions News briefs

• A 4-year-old startup called Five Elements Robotics has introduced a robotic shopping cart called Dash that allows customers to download a shopping list and then guides them through the store to find the items. The cart is also equipped with a scanner to let customers scan and pay for the items at …

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POS Portal Earns PCI Certification and other Digital Transactions News briefs

• Risk-management and compliance-service provider Coalfire has acquired Veris Group, a specialist in testing and engineering services for cybersecurity. Terms of the deal were not announced. • POS Portal, a point-of-sale equipment distributor, said it now is certified by the PCI Security Standards Council as a point-to-point encryption version 2 key injection facility. Risk-management …

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U.K. Agency Looks into ATM Maker Merger and other Digital Transactions News briefs

• The United Kingdom’s Competition and Markets Authority issued a provisional finding that the August acquisition of Germany’s Wincor Nixdorf AG by U.S.-based ATM manufacturer Diebold Inc. “risks a substantial lessening of competition … in the market for the supply of customer-operated ATMs in the U.K.” The new company name is Diebold Nixdorf. The CMA …

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Updates From NFC Forum Include Ability to Show Tickets When Smart Phone Is Off

The NFC Forum, the Wakefield, Mass.-based organization that supports near-field communication technology, on Monday announced updates to three technical specifications and introduced a “candidate” spec. NFC is the technology most often used, for example, to link mobile wallets with point-of-sale terminals. One update, to “NFC Controller Interface (NCI) Technical Specification Version 2.0,” …

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1 Billion Yahoo Accounts Breached and other Digital Transactions News briefs

• Yahoo! Inc. disclosed Wednesday a breach of more than 1 billion user accounts in August 2013 that is separate from one involving 500 million accounts the Web giant announced in September. Yahoo said the new breach involved names, email addresses, birth dates, secure passwords, and security questions and answers, but did not …

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Digital Transactions