Saturday , September 21, 2024

Search Results for: retail

To Sign Merchants Nationwide, Square Heads to Campus To Recruit a Sales Force

  n San Francisco-based Square posted a notice for a “Square U Representative” position last month on its Web site and has put out reminders about it this month through Twitter as well as a feature story about it on its Facebook page. The job posting indicates the position is …

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MasterCard’s ‘Road Map,’ Including Merchant Incentives, Lifts Industry Hopes for EMV

Ever since Visa Inc. released a major policy statement in August regarding chip cards in the United States, observers have waited for the other shoe to fall from competing card networks, especially Visa’s biggest rival, MasterCard Inc. That void began to fill in late on Monday with MasterCard’s release of …

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Eye on Prepaid: NetSpend Nets 7-Eleven for Distribution; Green Dot Buys a Processor

Prepaid card program manager NetSpend Holdings Inc. beefed up its retail distribution channels through a new agreement announced on Wednesday with leading convenience-store chain 7-Eleven Inc. The news came just a day after NetSpend rival Green Dot Corp. revealed that it bought assets from eCommLink Inc. that will advance its …

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Web Merchants See Fraudulent-Order Rate Fall, But the Good News Comes at a High Cost

Online merchants made some progress last year against fraud, but the fight is becoming more and more expensive for them in terms of both dollar losses and operational costs, according to a report issued on Tuesday. Indeed, the news for e-commerce sellers is mixed at best. While fraudulent orders as …

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Holiday Post-Mortems Show Healthy Volume Gains, Sagging Average Tickets, Shift to Debit

The post mortems on the holiday shopping season are arriving from major processors, and the emerging picture appears to be one of strong consumer spending but drooping average tickets online, in physical stores, and on merchant-branded gift cards. At least one report also found a switch in consumer preferences in …

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The Durbin Amendment’s Early Toll on Big Banks: $1.1 Billion And Counting

  Ouch. The Durbin Amendment, which slapped debit card interchange price controls on big banks beginning Oct.1, cost some of the nation’s largest financial institutions more than $1.1 billion in reduced fourth-quarter revenue. Digital Transactions News calculated that figure based on what seven national or large regional banks disclosed over …

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PayPal’s Home Depot POS Pilot Set to Expand to 51 Stores, eBay Chief Says

San Jose, Calif.-based PayPal Inc. later this week will expand its five-store point-of-sale payments pilot with Home Depot to 51 stores, chiefly in the San Francisco Bay area, according to John Donahoe, chief executive of eBay Inc., PayPal’s parent company, and interim president of PayPal. Speaking during a fourth-quarter conference …

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Marching to the Point of Sale, PayPal Strikes Its First Terminal Agreement

  n Ingenico has been piloting PayPal acceptance for six months, Greg Burch, director of business development at the terminal vendor, tells Digital Transactions News. Burch refuses to name the merchant involved in the pilot, but news emerged last week that Home Depot, which uses Ingenico devices, is testing PayPal …

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Virtual Currencies Not Yet Ready for Prime Time, Though Facebook Credits Could Be Close

The Internet, especially through online gaming and social networks, has spawned a number of new electronic currencies. Are any of these ready to make the leap into general usage, the way dollars and pounds and euros and yen are today? That was the fascinating question raised this week at a …

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