Friday , October 18, 2024

Search Results for: durbin amendment

Issuers Laud Durbin Bill’s Shortfall And Other Digital Transactions News briefs from 10/13/22

Credit unions and other credit card issuers cheered as the provisions of the proposed Credit Card Competition Act fell short of becoming an amendment to a defense-authorization bill in Congress. The bill’s sponsors, including Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Ill., had attempted to attach the CCCA to the defense bill as a shortcut to making it …

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Durbin Pushes to Attach His Credit Card Routing Proposal to a Senate Defense Bill

Indications emerged late last week that Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Ill., has embarked on a strategy for his credit card routing bill that follows a path similar to one he forged a decade ago for his rules governing debit card routing. The veteran senator, along with co-sponsor Roger Marshall, R-Kan., have …

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Does Its Debut in the House Confer Momentum on Durbin’s Credit Card Legislation?

An effort backed by many of the nation’s major retailer trade groups to put a lid on credit card acceptance costs took a big step forward Monday with the introduction in the House of Representatives of the Credit Card Competition Act. The bill, launched in July in the Senate, seeks …

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Is Everyone Ready for Durbin II?

The U.S. Senator’s bill to regulate credit card costs on behalf of merchants has stirred passions not seen since…the Durbin Amendment. All the major card-issuing banks must be asking themselves by now what Democratic Senator Richard Durbin of Illinois has against them. Like some old Hollywood horror-film refugee, the Senator …

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Dueling Trade Groups Seek to Sway the Payments Industry Over Durbin’s Credit Card Bill

With the introduction in Congress on Thursday of a bill that attacks rising credit card acceptance costs, lobbyists for both sides of the issue lost no time firing broadsides, pro and con, over the matter. The legislation, co-sponsored by Richard Durbin, D-Ill., and Roger Marshall, R-Kan., seeks to ratchet down …

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Experts Differ on the Consequences of Durbin’s Latest Effort to Control Merchants’ Card Costs

With a pair of U.S. Senators preparing to introduce a bill that would allow merchants to process Visa and Mastercard credit card payments over other networks, payments experts reached by Digital Transactions News are sharply divided on the idea. The bipartisan bill, sponsored by Richard Durbin, D-Ill., and Roger Marshall, …

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Durbin Asks Fed Chairman for ‘Appropriate Enforcement Action’ Involving Debit Card Transaction Routing

U.S. Sen. Richard Durbin and a Vermont Congressman want the Federal Reserve to look into what they say are efforts by debit card issuers “aided by the dominant card networks” to prevent PIN-debit networks from getting a bigger share of booming card-not-present payment volume. “The Federal Reserve should consider appropriate …

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How the Fed Has Bungled Durbin

Nearly a decade after the banking regulator’s debit regulation took effect, the legacy has been dramatically higher costs for merchants than Congress intended. It’s been 10 years since Congress enacted debit card reforms to rein in runaway fees and inject competition via the Durbin Amendment to the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform …

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RILA Urges Lower Durbin Debit Cap and other Digital Transactions News briefs from 2/11/20

The Retail Industry Leaders Association issued a statement calling on Congress to press Federal Reserve Board chairman Jerome Powell to “set a true rate” for debit card transactions that would reflect the intent of the Durbin Amendment to the Dodd-Frank Act. The amendment regulates debit card transaction pricing for large issuers. Powell is scheduled …

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Network Fee Boosts Are Taking a Big Bite out of Merchants’ Durbin Savings, Research Says

A bevy of fees levied by the two major card networks is offsetting much of the fee relief merchants receive from the 7-year-old Durbin Amendment, according to new findings from a payments-research firm that is studying the issue on behalf of the retail industry. While the Durbin caps on debit …

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