Friday , September 20, 2024

Search Results for: common aid

Networks: Transaction Transporters Anonymous

Peter Lucas They’re not household names, but network backbone providers TNS and Phoenix Managed Networks have executed a major shift beyond their long-time base in dial-up connections. Ask a merchant who his or her transaction processor or acquiring bank is and they can provide the name in a snap. Ask …

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Components: EMV: Has Its Day Come?

Jim Daly It’s been two-and-a-half years since a Visa plan marked the unofficial start of the conversion of U.S. card payments to the EMV chip card standard. Will recent data breaches speed up the conversion’s snail’s pace? While still a Congressman, current Chicago mayor and former White House chief of …

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Breaches Underscore EMV Routing Divide As ATMIA Critiques MasterCard Stand

The recently disclosed data breaches at Target Corp. and Neiman Marcus Group have breathed new life into an industry dispute over how to account for network choice in routing EMV debit transactions. The ATM Industry Association on Tuesday issued a statement critical of MasterCard Inc. for earlier this month declaring …

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Amid EMV Travails, X9 Convenes a Meeting to Investigate Standards for Debit Routing

Against a backdrop of knotty problems besetting the U.S. introduction of EMV, a financial-services standards body is investigating the potential for a set of non-proprietary chip card rules for EMV debit routing. n The group also broke up into subgroups during the meeting, which was held Dec. 9-10 at the …

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Target’s Breach Compromised Data on Millions More Consumers Than Initially Disclosed

Target Corp. on Friday said personal data on 70 million customers were compromised in a separate theft during the same data breach it disclosed last month that exposed up to 40 million credit and debit card accounts of U.S. shoppers. That could bring the total number of customers affected up …

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Trends & Tactics

For Retailers, An Unsettling Settlement Retailers and their trade groups opposed to a $5.7 billion settlement of a class-action antitrust case challenging credit card interchange are not going gentle into that good night now that U.S. District Judge John Gleeson has approved the controversial deal. Defendants in the 8-year-old litigation, …

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Cover Story: Digital Transactions – 10th Anniversary Issue

A Look Back And a Provocative Look Ahead Welcome to an anniversary party— one played out not in a ballroom or country-club drawing room but in pages of cold print. The milestone we are marking is our 10th anniversary of publishing Digital Transactions, an enterprise we rather immodestly think of …

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Federal Court Issues OK for Multibillion-Dollar Credit Card Interchange Settlement

Capping years of complex litigation, a federal court on Friday approved a controversial multibillion-dollar settlement of a class-action antitrust case challenging credit card interchange rates. With his imprimatur, Judge John Gleeson of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York has brought apparent—but only apparent—finality to a …

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AmEx’s Third-Party Issuance Program Picks Up Speed With U.S. Bank And Wells on Board

The recent announcement that U.S. Bancorp would issue American Express-branded credit cards brings yet another big domestic bank into American Express Co.’s network of third-party issuers under a strategy AmEx uses to build transaction volume. AmEx had 77 so-called Network Card License (NCL) arrangements with banks worldwide at the end …

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Trends & Tactics: Feeling Insecure? It’s No Wonder

If a recently released annual survey is any indication, small merchants remain unconvinced they are vulnerable to data breaches, pay far too little attention to security, and regard PCI simply as a cost item. “We still see drastic deficiencies in the number of merchants who think they’re at risk,” says …

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Digital Transactions