Thursday , September 19, 2024

Search Results for: Stripe Inc.

Consumers’ Low Risk Perception Buoys Cardless ATM Cash Transactions for FIS

While backers of cardless ATM transactions expected consumers to home in on using their smart phones as remote controls for making cash withdrawals, what wasn’t known was how much they understood about the risks from skimming and threats to their financial privacy. As it turns out, that understanding is pretty …

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Universal Card Coin Faces a Lawsuit Over Alleged Misrepresentations

The prospect of ubiquitous merchant acceptance and the ability to carry just one card in lieu of several was too much of a promise, alleges a lawsuit filed last week against Coin Inc., a startup offering a universal card service. Filed on behalf of two consumers who each purchased a …

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Look, Ma, No Card! How Cardless ATMs Could Help Push Mobile Wallet Adoption

The introduction of cardless ATMs, which rely on a financial institution’s mobile wallet instead of a debit card to make an ATM withdrawal, could help further the adoption of mobile wallets and mobile payments. That’s the assessment of Jerimy Saldivar at Peoples Bank, a Bellingham, Wash.-based financial institution with 24 …

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Why Transit Is Boarding the Mobile-Payments Train

Public-transportation agencies increasingly are turning to mobile-ticketing apps to attract riders and lower fare expenses. Mass-transit riders once read newspapers as they commuted to work. But hop on any commuter train, subway, or bus nowadays and you’re more likely to see passengers using smart phones to read news reports, listen …

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Longer Checkouts for EMV Don’t Seem To Be Fazing Consumers in the Early Going

When the U.S. rollout of EMV cards started in earnest last year, many experts predicted consumers would soon tire of the time-consuming chip-reading routine, putting pressure on the payments industry to usher in contactless EMV and more mobile wallets. But that’s not happening, at least not all that much and …

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Why Transit Is Boarding the Mobile-Payments Train

Public-transportation agencies increasingly are turning to mobile-ticketing apps to attract riders and lower fare expenses. Mass-transit riders once read newspapers as they commuted to work. But hop on any commuter train, subway, or bus nowadays and youäó»re more likely to see passengers using smart phones to read news reports, listen …

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Samsung Pay Aims at Commerce Tools for Merchants And a Reseller Program for Acquirers

Samsung Pay, the mobile wallet that uses near-field communication (NFC) and magnetic secure transmission (MST) technology, is developing a set of simple tools merchants can use to create offers and manage loyalty programs. The tools should be available this year. That’s the word from Will Graylin, global co-general manager of …

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Mobile Wallets ‘Off to a Strong Start,’ But Backers Must Work Harder at Education

In the face of reports of generally mediocre mobile-wallet usage, a report issued this week indicates the picture may brighten soon. Thirty-nine percent of consumers have used a mobile-payments service in a store within the past year, and 73% of these have done so just within the past three months, …

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Guarding the Online Channel

If history is any guide, card-not-present fraud will spike now that EMV has officially arrived in the United States. Can a growing array of fraud-prevention technologies stem the tide? When it comes to plying their deceptive trade, fraudsters exploit the weakest link in the security chain. With the EMV chip …

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The U.K.’s Yoyo Wallet Hopes Soon To Be Walking a Big Dog in U.S. Mobile Payments

By John Stewart While many observers might argue the U.S. payments market has plenty of mobile-wallet entries for the time being, a U.K. startup called Yoyo Wallet figures there’s room for one more. London-based Yoyo, which launched with university cafeterias nearly two years ago and has expanded to catering operations …

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Digital Transactions