Friday , September 20, 2024

Search Results for: digital identity

Security Questions Arise as Biometrics Gain Ground in Authentication

With biometric authentication now enabled in millions of smart phones and the focus of intense technological development, some payments experts are warning that biometric data can, just like old-fashioned passwords, be stolen, potentially leading to big problems for consumers and payment-service providers. “Biometrics are sure to proliferate in the next …

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Eye on Fraud: EMV Spurs Fraud Increase, Says Javelin; Landry’s Reports a POS System Breach

A new report finds that fraud activity is surging, while Landry’s Inc. says it has uncovered malware on its point-of-sale system and removed it. Identify fraud is on the rise, finds the 2016 Identity Fraud Study released Tuesday by Javelin Strategy & Research. The Pleasanton, Calif.-based research firm found that …

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The $8 Billion Problem

  Card-not-present fraud isn’t the only looming threat for payments providers and merchants. Account-takeover losses are also set to take off. As criminals find it easy and affordable to use the Internet to obtain millions of pieces of personally identifiable information about consumers, the prospects of greater fraud overall are …

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The New Technology of Money

Humor me. Take a $20 bill out of your wallet, hand it to me, thank you very much, and then walk into a store and use the same twenty to pay for merchandise. Can you do this? Yes, you can. It is simpler than you think, and perfectly legal! This …

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The $8 Billion Problem

Card-not-present fraud isnäó»t the only looming threat for payments providers and merchants. Account-takeover losses are also set to take off. As criminals find it easy and affordable to use the Internet to obtain millions of pieces of personally identifiable information about consumers, the prospects of greater fraud overall are high. …

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The New Technology of Money

Humor me. Take a $20 bill out of your wallet, hand it to me, thank you very much, and then walk into a store and use the same twenty to pay for merchandise. Can you do this? Yes, you can. It is simpler than you think, and perfectly legal! This …

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Guarding the Online Channel

If history is any guide, card-not-present fraud will spike now that EMV has officially arrived in the United States. Can a growing array of fraud-prevention technologies stem the tide? When it comes to plying their deceptive trade, fraudsters exploit the weakest link in the security chain. With the EMV chip …

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The Data-Breach Seesaw: Card Compromises Down, Social Security Exposures Up

Data breaches that compromised credit and debit card information were constantly in the news in 2015, but the number of cards affected is way down from the totals for 2014 and 2013, according to a nonprofit that monitors breaches. The San Diego-based Identity Theft Resource Center reports that as of …

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Retailers, Bankers on Opposite Sides as House Panel Considers Data-Security Bill

The U.S. House of Representatives’ Financial Services Committee on Tuesday afternoon was scheduled to consider a data-security bill that is drawing fire from merchant trade groups and consumer advocates, but which has the support of the American Bankers Association. H.R. 2205, the Data Security Act of 2015, was introduced last …

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The Surge in Online Fraud Is Already Here

The notion that the belated U.S. conversion to the EMV chip standard will drive up e-commerce fraud was fresh wisdom several years ago, when EMV was but a glimmer in the payments industry’s eye. Then, with repeated airings, it became a commonplace. And now, with the point-of-sale liability shift having …

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Digital Transactions