Saturday , October 26, 2024

Search Results for: merchants

‘Friendly Fraud’ Grows Worse, But Chargebacks Winnable, Expert Says

A problem the electronic payments industry calls “friendly fraud,” which has long dominated chargebacks for online sellers of digital goods from songs to software, is getting worse for these merchants, according to the top executive of a payments processor specializing in this market. Gene Hoffman, chairman and chief executive of …

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Banks Must Recruit Consumers to Fight ID Fraud, Researcher Warns

Losses to identity fraud will be hard to reduce unless banks and other financial-services providers begin working harder to recruit consumers to look after their own accounts, a noted researcher said on Wednesday. “The important change that needs to happen today is a much stronger partnership between the person who …

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Could Free Scanners Unlock Small Businesses for Remote Capture?

With free card-swipe terminals having already captured the imagination of acquirers and merchants, the notion of free check scanners might not be far behind. Indeed, free equipment that reads magnetic-ink-character-recognition lines while capturing check images could be the key for banks to drive remote deposit capture adoption among small businesses, …

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Visa Filing Confirms Heavy Investment in Merchant And Issuer Incentives

Recent research by Aite Group LLC estimated the Visa and MasterCard bank card networks paid nearly $5 billion to merchants and card issuers between 2005 and 2007 to spur acceptance or issuance of their respective brands (Digital Transactions News, Feb. 20). Visa Inc.'s latest registration statement, filed Monday in advance …

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Smart Card Marketing, HomeATM Enable PIN Debit Online, at Stores

In a move that could further the penetration of Internet-based PIN debit, a San Antonio-based processor of prepaid card transactions has adopted a device that will allow users of its electronic-wallet service to load their accounts online with credit cards and PIN debit cards. Smart Card Marketing Systems Inc., which …

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An Acquiring Paradox: Discounts Are Squeezed, But Spreads Are up

Counter-intuitive though it may be, independent sales organizations and merchant acquirers in general are seeing their spreads increase while simultaneously facing margin compression. The reason, according to a new report from Aite Group LLC assessing trends in the acquiring industry: acquirers are generating new revenues from their merchants outside of …

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MasterCard Cuts Interchange for Rent, Utilities, and Insurance

Apartments and other rental real estate such as vacation properties, one of the great remaining virgin markets for electronic payments, could get a boost in April when a new MasterCard Inc. interchange incentive takes effect that will lower card-acceptance costs for property managers. MasterCard's program is intended to direct more …

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New York-New Jersey Mass Transit Plans Contactless Pilot

Contactless payment took another step forward in the mass-transit market with the announcement on Thursday by two key New York City-area transportation agencies that they will run a pilot of MasterCard Worldwide's PayPass system next year. The Port Authority will install contactless readers at 40 turnstiles in all 13 of …

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How an Incentive Boom Could Push Visa, MasterCard into Acquiring

Locked in increasingly fierce competition with each other and with other card networks, Visa Inc. and MasterCard Worldwide are paying out higher and higher sums to issuers and merchants in the form of rebates and incentives, a trend that not only hurts the bank card networks' yield on each dollar …

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An APWG Panel Lobbies Web Registries to Shut Down Phishing Sites

A potent new technique that phishing fraudsters have started using to thwart efforts to shut down their bogus Web sites has inspired a panel at the Anti-Phishing Working Group to hammer out a new policy that would get domain registries to disable criminal sites. The new policy, called the domain …

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Digital Transactions