Friday , September 20, 2024

Search Results for: cash back

Discover Looks to Europe And the Middle East for Merchant-Acceptance Expansion

Discover Financial Services is on the verge of a major expansion of Discover, Diners Club, and Pulse acceptance across Europe and the Middle East following Friday’s announcement of a deal with a third-party provider. Riverwoods, Ill.-based Discover says it will work with 3C Payment, a Luxembourg-based payment service provider that …

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TSYS Revives Its Vital Brand as the Name for Its New POS Product Suite

Payment processor Total System Services Inc. (TSYS) on Thursday unveiled a line of point-of-sale terminals and services for small and mid-size businesses, and took its Vital brand out of a 13-year retirement as the name for the new product suite. The cloud-based Vital POS has three major components: Vital Mobile, an …

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New York Credit Card Surcharges Get a Green Light as Merchants and the State Agree To Dismiss Lawsuit

Merchant plaintiffs and the state of New York filed motions Tuesday in a federal appellate court to dismiss the merchants’ challenge to New York’s law banning credit card surcharges. As a result, surcharges will be allowed when the merchant posts total prices for credit card purchases in dollars and cents. …

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Managing Real-Time Payment Risks

Person-to-person transactions in real time pose unique risks. Here’s how to manage them while ensuring a great experience for users. Splitting the lunch bill. Paying a friend back for picking up those last-minute tickets. Covering the cost for your kid’s college textbooks. Each of these scenarios represents an opportunity for …

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Buy Online, Steal in Store

In just a matter of months, this new e-commerce fraud has emerged to exploit weak or non-existent links between merchants’ online and physical stores. If you’re a retailer, what’s not to like about offering consumers the option to buy online and pick up in-store? Most customers who use the service …

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Contactless Payments And Transaction Data Will Be on More Restaurateurs’ Menus in 2019

Restaurants are a coveted merchant segment for many acquirers and independent sales organizations. So, knowing how payments are changing and the impact that might have on this merchant segment is critical. First off, in 2019, the prospect for more consumers carrying, and wanting to use, contactless credit and debit cards …

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The Promise—And Threat—of Real-Time Payments

Three years ago, Mastercard shelled out big money for a U.K. technology firm. As faster payments take hold in the States, the rationale for that deal will soon be put to the test. Back in July 2017, the Federal Reserve issued a challenge to the U.S. payments industry: create a …

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Can Amazon Pay Win in Stores? It May Depend on Processing Costs And the Right Incentives Inc.’s strategy to push its Amazon Pay wallet into physical stores could depend crucially on its ability to cut payment-processing costs and generate marketing advantages for merchants, including Groupon-like incentives, experts tell Digital Transactions News. The new strategy has been in the works at least since 2017 but reached …

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EVO Notes Revenue Increase and other Digital Transactions News briefs from 11/7/18

Three years after the EMV liability shift, fallback fraud, which bypasses protections against counterfeit card use, remains a problem for the U.S. payments industry, Auriemma Consulting Group said. Its data found that fallback fraud, which typically is a problem when markets first adopt EMV, still makes up more than 20% of …

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Paya Says Its Deal for Stewardship Technology Positions the Processor Squarely in a Growth Market

Left behind in the last decade’s rush to sign up merchants for electronic payments is the non-profit sector, made up chiefly of faith-based organizations that collect billions of dollars yearly in offerings and donations—most of it in cash and checks. Still, payments providers are starting to pay attention, and on …

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Digital Transactions