Monday , September 16, 2024

Search Results for: pay by bank

NetDeposit: Corporate Clients Are Pushing Check 21 Changes

Demand from corporate clients?combined with a deadline that's only five months away–is a major factor pushing banks into check imaging, according to a top executive with one major supplier of check-processing software. Although many banks are poised to begin accepting so-called image replacement documents when the Check Clearing for the …

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Latest Numbers Show Unrelenting Rise in Phishing Attacks

The criminal activity known as phishing soared to new heights last month, according to statistics released today by the Anti-Phishing Working Group. The consortium of Internet companies and law-enforcement agencies reported that the number of unique phishing incidents recorded by the group rose 180% to 1,125 in April, more than …

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Viewpointe Set to Begin Image Sharing in September

Viewpointe Archive Services LLC announced this week it will begin sharing check images among banks participating in its image-exchange in September. The company has worked out a tentative pricing schedule and is working on systems to perform such value-added functions as checking image quality and translating images from one bank's …

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Fiserv Looks to Exploit Opportunities in Substitute Checks

Fiserv Inc. expects to do a major business in the new substitute check instrument that has been created by the Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act (Check 21)?so much so that it is entering into agreements with a software company and an air carrier to deliver and process potentially …

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Stats Show Ominous Increase in Spam and Phishing Attacks

Recent industry statistics paint a grim picture of how pervasive spam, and with it e-mail fraud, is becoming in the U.S. transaction economy. Brightmail Inc., a San Francisco-based provider of anti-spam software, reports that the volume of spam hit 64% of some 96 billion e-mail messages its systems filtered in …

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Online Processor Digency Gets Close to Geo-Location Pilots

Digency Inc. is within a month of signing its first clients for tests of a new system it has developed that fights e-commerce fraud by pinpointing Web users' geographic location, according to Ed R. Starrs, chief executive of the El Dorado Hills, Calif.-based e-commerce processor. Dubbed “Geocate,” the product has …

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A Pulse Survey Shows Fees, Restrictions Risk Debit Users’ Ire

A new national survey of debit card holders indicates a significant portion of consumers would be inclined to punish retailers and banks if they imposed fees or tried to restrict the range of accepted payment products. When asked how they would react if a merchant no longer accepted their debit …

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Metavante Buys AFS And Becomes a Player in Image Exchange

Metavante Corp. announced today it has agreed to buy Advanced Financial Solutions Inc., an Oklahama City-based company specializing in check-processing technology and owner of the Endpoint Exchange, a network that routes electronic check images among processors and financial institutions. No price was announced, though Metavante officials said this acquisition, in …

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Gartner: Phishing Is Getting Worse, Hitting Hard at E-Commerce

More evidence of the possible damage being done by phishing to e-commerce emerged in survey results released today by technology research firm Gartner Inc., Stamford, Conn. The survey, which was completed last month and canvassed 5,000 adult Web users, indicates that 30 million users think they have definitely been a …

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Endpoint Exchange, SVPCo. Add Heft to Image Network Efforts

CheckClear LLC, which owns and operates what is so far the only national image-exchange network in operation for check processing, announced today it is planning to connect to an image exchange being built by the Federal Reserve. It also said it has made an agreement to connect to imaging equipment …

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